A very special haka

Some of you will know of Haka as a traditional Maori phenomenon, that used to be performed before battles, or as part of celebrations and other important events. 

Source: Web.

Iako nas asocira na ragbi mečeve i fenomenalne nastupe Ol Bleksa, ova haka je izvedena daleko od bilo kog sportskog terena. Jedno venčanje u Oklendu, uveličano je svojevrsnim spektakularnim plesom koji su predvodili mladoženjin stariji brat i kum. Simboličnom ujedinjenju dveju porodica, pridružila se i oduševljena nevesta.

A very long time after it originated, Haka became part of New Zealand’s culture, as well as sports, considering it was popularised worldwide by the All Blacks. Their spectacular warrior dances are especially known in rugby, usually leaving opponents with no answer to this kind of challenge.

Nevertheless, the following video goes to show how far away haka can go from a playing field, without losing any of its amazing spirit.

This couple was pleasantly surprised on their wedding day by friends and family, lead by the groom’s older brother.  A dance celebrating the union of the bride and groom. The video went viral and is another reminder of how traditions can influence sport and after, all of the other aspects of life.