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Srbija se plasirala na Evrobasket 2025. ubedljivom pobedom nad Danskom (98:51). Uspešno je zatvoren ovaj kvalifikacioni prozor pred punim tribinama srpskog Hrama košarke, a selektor Pešić i naši momci su imali samo reči hvale za atmosferu u timu. Na parketu ponovo Boriša Simanić!

Košarkaši Srbije započeli su kvalifikacije za Eurobasket pobedom nad selekcijom Finske (77:61) pred rasprodatim tribinama hale Aleksandar Nikolić. Napeto je bilo sve do početka četvrte četvrtine. 

Luka Mitrović, Srbija - Finska
Foto: FIBA

Prva pobeda u novom takmičarskom ciklusu je od velikog značaja za samopouzdanje, ističu naši prvotimci. 

Juniorska reprezentacija Srbije šampion je Evropskog prvenstva! Naša budućnost savladala je Španiju (81:71) u prepunom Čairu.

Juniori šampioni Evrope
Foto: FIBA

Team Serbia are the new European champions dethroning Spain (81:71)in front of a roaring home crowd in Niš, for a beautiful insight into a bright future, featuring Topić as the MVP.

Košarkašice Srbije savladale su selekciju Hrvatske (85:57) i plasirale se na Evropsko prvenstvo pred oko tri hiljade navijača u Hali Ranko Žeravica!

Foto: FIBA

Serbia beats Croatia (85:57) for a direct ticket to the Eurobasket where the reigning champions will defend their title! Going strong since the 1Q team Serbia became a clear winner after the first 25 minutes in Belgrade.

Both Zvezda and Partizan have triumphed in their away matches tonight, showing excellent European shape ahead of the holidays. The two sets of iconic Belgrade stripes ousted their rivals in key Euroleague features.

Olympiacos vs Crvena Zvezda, Luca Vildoza
Photo source: MN Press, Giorgos Matthaios

Odlična partija Srbije obeležila je pobedu nad selekcijom Finske (100:70). Igra kao iz udžbenika pokazatelj je uspešnog podizanja forme. Za sada sve teče po planu, a sedi Izrael.

Foto: FIBA

Serbia beat Finland (100:70) for their third consecutive Eurobasket win after a schoolbook offence and very stable defence created a basis for a 30+ lead. So far everything is working according to the plan of coach Pešić. Next up – Israel.

Košarkaši Srbije započeli su Eurobasket pobedom nad selekcijom Holandije rezultatom 100:76. Konačan ishod našeg prvog meča u okviru Grupe D nije se dovodio u pitanje ni nakon treće četvrtine, a očekivanja od ovog novog tima su visoka.

Micić Eurobasket
Foto: FIBA

Serbia beats the Netherlands at their Eurobasket 2022 premiere. The match that left the squad of coach Svetislav Pešić in a double-digit lead during most of the 40 minutes was a good warmup session for everything that awaits. Team Serbia went from being loudly disputed from their home audience during the past two months to becoming loudly supported as the top contender for the gold. As it is widely confirmed by all relevant international rankings.

Košarkašice Srbije odlično su započele kvalifikacije za Evrobasket 2023. Igračice Marine Maljković na gostujućem terenu su savladale selekciju Hrvatske (84:66). 

Foto: FIBA

Real beat Barcelona at Camp Nou (2-1) reaching the top of La Liga. But was fun to watch? The once exhilarating clash of the titans nearly became a single-goal match. With no Messi or Ronaldo, and a strange approach from both benches it was all a far cry from the 2010s. At what point did it all go wrong?

El clasico 248
Photo: FC Barcelona, via Twitter

Košarkašice Srbije osvojile su novo evropsko zlato pobedom od 63:54 protiv selekcije Francuske. Naša ekipa je neporažena došla do krune! Najkorisnija igračica Evrope je Sonja Vasić!

zlatne košarkašice
Foto: FIBA