Svetska liga: Beograd spreman za praznik vaterpola
Srbija će se na bazenu Tašmajdan boriti za rekordnu 12. titulu, uz podršku domaćih navijača. Po prvi put u vaterpolu, gol-tehnologija. Pratite Svetsku ligu uz SidelineSRB.
Srbija će se na bazenu Tašmajdan boriti za rekordnu 12. titulu, uz podršku domaćih navijača. Po prvi put u vaterpolu, gol-tehnologija. Pratite Svetsku ligu uz SidelineSRB.
Coach Aleksandar Đorđević has announced the names on the preliminary list for the Eurobasket. The current Serbian broad list consists of 25 players. Some are well known for their performances in the NT, while we also get to see some fresh faces.
After a short hiatus, I’m back to writing about basketball with a special treat. Tonight will be all about the NBA in Chicago, as I’m taking you to the Bulls v Cavs. …
As they are one of my favorite things to write, there will be columns, and comments on the transfer window. But, considering they do take a while and that free time is limited, for now we’ll stick to match reports and quick news on Instagram.
Coming up, later in the evening: the full match report on Maccabi – Zvezda, and the CSKA – Bamberg highlights. Stay tuned. 🙂
Poslednji dan Stare godine, poznat je kao dan za rezimiranje, rekapitulaciju iz prethodnih 365. Sport nam je tokom 2016. godine dao mnogo razloga za veselje. Olimpijci, mladi fudbaleri, košarkaši, vaterpolisti…
The last day of the current year is always destinated to recaps of the part 365. Sport has given us so many reasons to be happy. Football, basketball, the Olympics. For Serbia, that obviously had to be water polo, which definitely marked the year 2016.…
Nakon odigranih trideset kola Jelen superlige, došlo je do podele bodova, te formiranja plej-of i plej-aut liste, po prvi put u istoriji takmičenja. Obe grupe se sastoje od po osam ekipa. Druga faza Superlige, počinje već narednog vikenda, u sledećim parovima plej-ofa:
This will be a three-language post.
Since the year is almost out, it is now time to remember all of the good, the funny, and the impressive that has happened in sport, during 2015.
We laughed, cried, and sang our lungs off, so let’s share all those important sporting moments with the world. Use the hashtag #SportMarkedMyYear on social media, to tag photos and post, related to your favorite sports moments of the year.
I will try to write a post dedicated to a sporting event that had marked this year for me, and my country every day until the end of the year. One of the best years for the Serbian sport.
Godina je na izmaku, što znači da je vreme za razmišljanje o svemu što se dešavalo tokom 2015. Svet sporta nam je svakako podario mnogo izuzetnih momenata, kojih se vredi podsetiti, pa ću se zato potruditi da svakoga dana sa vama podelim po jedan događaj koji je obeležio jednu od najboljih godina za srpski sport.
Za sve koji su se ove godine smejali, plakali, nervirali i pevali uz nebrojene mečeve i dočeke sledi tag #SportMarkedMyYear. Koristite ovaj hashtag na svim društvenim mrežama da obeležite sve slike ili bilo kakve druge postove, posvećene događajima koji su za vas bili od posebnog značaja tokom ovih 365 dana. Tag je na engleskom, kako bi svi mogli zajedno da dele svoje viđenje sporta u 2015. godini.
Como el año 2015 está por terminar, es hora de acordarse de todos los momentos que han marcado el deporte durante los últimos 365 días. Intentaré escribir cada día sobre un suceso deportivo que ha destacado en este año, uno de los mejores para el para el deporte serbio.
Mientras tanto, utilicen el hashtag #SportMarkedMyYear, para marcar todas las fotos, comentarios etc. en las redes sociales, de sus mejores recuerdos deportivos del 2015. Para que todo el mundo pueda ver su recapitulación deportiva.
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