NIS ostaje u Partizanu / NIS to stay with Partizan

Nije sve tako crno u taboru crno-belih. Naime, dosadašnji generalni sponzor tima, Naftna industrija Srbije, ostaće uz beogradski klub. NIS je sa Partizanom potpisao ugovor 2013. godine, a činjenica da u izuzetno složenoj situaciji ne napušta klub, će svakako predstavljati veliko olakšanje, kako za rukovodstvo, tako i za igrače.

The Belgrade Black and whites will not be losing their general sponsor. The Serbian Oil Industry, INC (in Serbian, NIS), will not be pulling their investment out of the former champion’s accounts.

Zbog neučestvovanja u oba velika evropska takmičenja, Evroligi, te Evrokupu, pretpostavlja se da će iznos sponzorstva biti manji u odnosu na prethodne sezone, ali sada znatno važniji nego proteklih godina. Novac bi trebalo da ode na plate zaposlenih, te otplatu poreskih dugovanja. Tačni iznosi su,za sada, ipak nepoznati.

Postavlja se i pitanje, kako će izgledati prvi tim Partizana u novoj sezoni i do kojih će sve pojačanja doći. Postoji različiti broj mišljenja na ovu temu. Jedni zastupaju teoriju da je neophodno pribaviti nove igrače, dok drugi žele da maksimalno podrže Partizanovu omladinsku školu, u borbi za opstanak i kasnije, nove trofeje. Ipak, jedno je sigurno. Upravi jednog od najuspešnijih košarkaških klubova u regionu je neophodan dobar plan, kako od šampionske reputacije ne bi ostalo samo ime.

The Belgrade Black and whites will not be losing their general sponsor. The Serbian Oil Industry, INC (in Serbian, NIS), will not be pulling their investment out of the former champion’s accounts. Since the year 2013. they have signed a contract with BC Partizan Belgrade, after which the team has added the name of the company into their official name, becoming Partizan NIS. A common practice in European basketball.

The new contract won’t be offering the same amount of funds, considering that Partizan isn’t taking part in the big European championships, the Euroleague, and the Eurocup. Nevertheless, the money will undoubtably help the team to stay afloat. It is believed that most of the funds will be used to pay workers salaries, and taxes to the state. So far, the exact numbers on the contract are unknown.

Another question arises. This time as to what the first team of Partizan NIS will look like in the upcoming season. And if there will be signings by the end of the transfer window.  There are diverse opinions on whether or not the board of directors should buy the new players off, or focus on developing new talent, and give the chance to the members of the youth categories, as the team starts to grow back again.

There is one thing to say for sure, the directors need a solid plan, in order to preserve as much of the club as they can, and not let that the only thing left over from a very successful run be the name.