Dragi moji,
Posle skoro mesec dana ovde, želela bih da se ponovo zahvalim na svim klikovima, lajkovima, šerovima i ostalom. Put kroz ovu priču je svakako mnogo zanimljiviji, kada ste svi vi tu. Dakle, ono što ste možda primetili, a što je od prvog dana i bilo najavljeno su postovi na više jezika. U zavisnosti od toga koju sferu pokrivaju, odlučujem se na kojem će jeziku biti napisan tekst.
To all of the lovely people:
After about a month here, I’d like to thank everyone on the visits, clicks, likes, shares and all that jazz. The road through this story is definitely more interesting, having you around. As you must have noticed, which was something that I’ve mentioned from day 1, are the multilingual posts. Depending on the region and the domain that is being covered, the language will, logically, vary.
Samim tim, logično je da će se pregledi o JSL odvijati na srpskom, da će Reprezentacija dobijati analize na engleskom i srpskom, jer ipak je najvažnije da te tekstove što više ljudi razume, dok će takmičenja poput Primere, povremeno biti tretirana na španskom, kao prvom, te na engleskom. Plan trojezičnog teksta zahteva, kao što je i logično, više vremena. Samim tim, ideja je da u zavisnosti od regiona, prilagođavam jezičke aspekte postova.
Možda jednog lepog dana bude prilike za potpuno višejezičnu stranicu (dakle, klikne se negde u uglu, i padajuća lista vam ponudi da izaberete koji jezik hoćete), ali o tom, potom.
Takođe, slike i ostali sadržaji su moji, osim ako ne navedem drugačije. Samim tim, izvor će uvek biti poznat, koji god da je. Poenta je držati se nepristrasnosti i prenositi događaje na što potpuniji način. Za sada možete da me kontaktirate samo ovde, putem komentara. Za budućnost ima raznih planova, ostaje samo da se vidi kako će izgledati njihova realizacija.
I da blogovski modifikujemo onu odjavnu rečenicu sa vesti: Ne menjajte stranicu, na pravom ste mestu.
That being said, the Serbian football (soccer) first league, Jelen Superliga (JSL) will be treated in Serbian. Unless there is interest for it outside of the Balkan region. The articles on the Serbian NT will be written in both English and Serbian, because the key to the matter is to have the biggest amount of people understand them, as we’re taking about big international competitions. While the competitions such as La Liga will be written in Spanish and maybe English, depending on the importance of the game. The trilingual post is something that consumes more time, so it will be used in very special occasions. The idea is to adapt the article, based on the focus groups. And yes, that sounds very CEO-ish. I know.
Maybe, some day there will be a button somewhere around your screen, that will allow you to pick a single language, in which you’ll be reading all of your articles. But that’s still only in the domains of the “maybe”, because it does take a lot of work to do the same job 3-4 times.
Also, the photos and all of the other contents are mine, unless stated otherwise. In which case… All rights are reserved to the rightful owner. The point is for me to transmit the event the best way possible, and to be unbiased.
As always, feedback is much appreciated.
There are tons of plans for the future. The only question is how will they continue to develop over time. Just, stay tuned. 🙂
Fenomenalan blog! Samo napred – ocekujemo nove izvestaje!