A new calendar year marks a whole new beginning, a space of many hopes and dreams to come to life, giving us all that spirit of fresh start, that everyone seems to like.

Foto: Web.
Foto: Web.

Nova kalendarska godina predstavlja novi početak i vreme za ostvarenje brojnih snova i nadanja, dajući nam svima osećaj novog početka, koji svakako da ne može da škodi. 

After realising his dream and getting into the NBA, the 221cm (7’3) tall Boban Marjanović had faced doubts about his performance. During the past week, the former Euroleague MVP was transferred to the D-League and then swiftly brought back into the San Antonio Spurs, after showing everyone he is meant only for the big leagues. 

Photo: San Antonio Express News. 

Una ovación muy bien merecida para Andrés Iniesta.

Very few players had what it took to be shown respect at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium. In fact, only three were recorded in recent football history to have received a standing ovation. Diego Maradona, Ronaldinho, and on various occasions Andrés Iniesta.

KK Crvena zvezda Telekom, ostvario je ključnu pobedu za ostanak u Evropi! Snažna odbrana i pogoci sa linije za 6,75 obezbedili su trijumf ekipi Dejana Radonjića. Borba do poslednjeg sudijskog zvižduka i rezultat od 79:90 vraćaju nadu navijačima. Simonović precizan, Jović postavio rekord Evrolige.

Foto: Starsport.
Foto: Starsport.

Dve godine nakon stravične saobraćajne nesreće, koja je rezultovala amputacijom dela njene leve noge, hrabra Nataša Kovačević se vraća na teren. Nastavak profesionalne karijere, više se ne dovodi u pitanje. Vest koja će svakome istinski ulepšati dan.

Foto: Večernje novosti.
Foto: Večernje novosti.

A little over two years after a traffic accident that had left her needing a below the knee amputation, the brave Nataša Kovačević is getting back to professional basketball. This amazing news was confirmed by both the player and BC Red Star.  The young player has spent the past two months working hard and training with her new team mates, in order to incorporate herself in the best way possible. Her prosthesis will not represent an obstacle, according to FIBA and the Serbian Basketball Federation. 

The epitome of strength and perseverance, Kovačević will surely represent a valuable addition to the Red and White family. 

Uigranija Crvena zvezda Telekom, pobedila je u prvom ovosezonskom Večitom derbiju. Partizan je savladan rezultatom od 92:77, u standardnoj atmosferi beogradske Hale Pionir. Van terena, utakmica je prošla mirno, ali je loš utisak ostavila nemogućnost poštovanja minuta ćutanja, posvećenog  nedavno preminulom košarkaškom magu Ranku Žeravici. 

Foto: MN Press.
Foto: MN Press.

Last night, New Zealand became rugby World champion, while fans of sport across the globe have gotten themselves another sweetheart. Sonny Williams, the tall, strong and tattooed pivot of New Zealand’s National Team has also become a hero off the playing field.

The hero of the evening. Photo: BPI/REX Shutterstock.
The hero of the evening.
Photo: BPI/REX Shutterstock.

Today marks thirteen years since Andrés Iniesta has debuted for Barcelona’s first team. Now, a club legend, Iniesta has started his road to stardom at only 18 against Bruges, on a cold Tuesday night. It is said that Van Gaal had only told him to: “Get out there and play”. The rest, as you know, is already history.

Hoy se cumplen 13 años desde el debut oficial de Andrés Iniesta para el primer equipo del FC Barcelona. Ahora, una auténtica leyenda del club, Iniesta empezó su camino hacia las estrellas con tan solo 18 años, contra el Brujas.  Esa noche, Van Gaal sólo le dijo que saliera y jugara. El resto… Ya lo sabemos.

The beginning of the world’s most important league is upon us. As the first quarters are being played around the States, you can watch the games on all of your devices, or follow the play by play on the official  NBA website.  All in all, God bless the tech.

This will undoubtedly be an interesting season, especially for the Serbian New Wave, looking for ways to prove themselves under the brightest of lights. Bjelica, Marjanović, even Jokić… And a reason for most of the Balkans to be staying up late at night, once again. Getting more used to the American style of play.

World’s No. 1 and a true ace of the sport Novak Đoković has won his second US Open title, and his 10th Grand Slam. After beating Roger Federer (6:4, 5:7, 6:4, 6:4), in an increasingly hostile environment (i.e. crowd reactions), he stayed graceful in his speeches, and answering the questions of journalists.

Još jedna fenomenalna pobeda svetskog broja jedan, Novaka Đokovića, nad Rodžerom Federerom. Drugi trofej US Opena i ukupno deseta Grend slem titula u karijeri. Pred nesumnjivo neprijateljski nastrojenom publikom, Novak je ostao miran i hladan, ali je nakon trijumfa i pre svih intervjua, ugrabio priliku da proslavi završetak sjajne večeri sa svojim timom. Spontano je došlo i do povika: “THIS IS SPARTAAAA!” sa filmskim Leonidom, koji je srpskog šampiona pratio iz lože.