Barça breaks down in Belgrade

Na dan odluke o održavanju F4 turnira naredne sezone u Beogradu, Zvezda je savladala Barselonu sa 76:65 i upisala tako jednu od svojih najznačajnijih pobeda. Prvu nad Blaugranom.

Red Star beats Barcelona by 76:65 in a match filled with ups and downs. This victory comes on the same day as the confirmation of the F4 Tournament being played in Belgrade in 2018. A victory lead by the joint efforts of individuals that made up for some general errors. Tonight’s MVP is one of the youngest. Twenty one year-old Marko Guduric scored as many points, with a PIR of 30.

After a very week start, Spain continues to pull through even during the final rounds of the Eurobasket. A disputed win over Greece, after which Vassilis Spanoulis announced his retirement from the National team, Spain surpassed France, during last night’s first semifinal. This year France broke the tradition, in which the hosting nation were to reach the final phases of a major tournament. A new crowd record was set, at 26.922 spectators.

Another great victory for the Serbian National team on the Eurobasket. This time, against an expectedly tough opponent. The Czech team, lead by the 2,13m tall Jan Vesely, made sure there were no easy points. Their precision from the 6,75 border, as well as a strong defensive pace, gave team Serbia, a run for their money.

Teodosić performed with a double-double today. Photo: Eurobasket. All rights reserved.
Teodosić performed with a double-double today.
Photo: Eurobasket.
Očekivano težak meč protiv selekcije Češke, obeležen stalnim izmenama u oba sastava, te odličnim partijama Teodosića, Bjelice i Ercega. Kapiten je ovom prilikom uspeo da obori sopstveni rekord na šampionatu, od 13 asistencija, zabeleživši danas 12 poena i 14 asistencija, uz dabl-dabl učinak. Nemanja Bjelica imao je večeras 14 poena i 10 skokova, kao i 5 ličnih grešaka do kraja četvrte četvrtine.

As the eight-finals have come to a close, here is an overview of the entire round results, and the schedules for the upcoming quarterfinal matches, that await on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Nakon završetka runde osmine finala, sledi kratak osvrt na sve dosadašnje rezultate, te raspored  četvrtfinalnih mečeva. Uz napomenu da Srbija igra prekosutra, u prvom popodnevnom terminu, od 18:30 sati

France, as host, has come a long way. And after a victory against Turkey in the city of Lille, they are well into the quarterfinals. A record breaking European event, thanks to almost 27. 000 people. A total of 26. 136 spectators, that broke Red Star’s record, of 24. 232 souls, from March of 2014.  Obviously, both records represent modern achievements, that came after the downsizing of hall capacities, and new safety standards.

Source: Eurobasket. All rights reserved.
Source: Eurobasket.

A phenomenal Serbia enters the knockout phase of the European basketball championship from a B1 position, fulfilling its first goal of the competition. The players of coach Aleksandar Đorđević have marked another win in the group stage, making a perfect record, 5 out of 5.

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Ponovo prava rapsodija reprezentacije Srbije. Pala je i Italija, čime su izabranici Aleksandra Đorđevića ostvarili savršen skor, od 5 pobeda u isto toliko utakmica. Ponovo je plesao po terenu kapiten Miloš Teodosić, sa ubačenih 26 poena. Njegovi potezi u saradnji sa Bjelicom i Raduljicom će nesumnjivo biti prikazivani iznova i iznova, kao neki od najlepših na šampionatu. Konačno je savladana i barijera od stotinu bodova, čime je srpska ekipa po prvi put postala trocifrena na šampionatu, rezultatom od 101-82, nakon dva slobodna bacanja Nemanje Nedovića, samo nekoliko sekundi pre kraja utakmice. Zajedno sa ali-upovima Nikole Kalinića, većinski naša publika u Mercedes-Benc areni je imala razloga za uživanje. Srbiji sada sledi zasluženi odmor do nedelje, i to sa željene B1 pozicije, nakon čega se sastaju sa Finskom, nakon njihovog poraza od selekcije Poljske.

Nakon završena prva dva takmičarska dana na Eurobasketu, sledi kratak osvrt na stanje po grupama. Uz napomenu da grupe B i  C sutra imaju dan za odmor.  Rusija je upisala i prvi poraz na šampionatu. Srbija je pobedila Nemačku, a Španija  dokazala superiornost nad selekcijom Turske, i to najubedljivijom pobedom na dosadašnjem toku šampionata. Grčka je porazila Hrvatsku, u veoma napetom meču, dok je Slovenija savladala selekciju Gruzije. Litvanija je lako savladala Letoniju, nakon jučerašnje veoma neizvesne utakmice, na kojoj je odlučio samo jedan poen.

Sve rezultate, kao i trenutno stanje na tabeli možete pogledati ovde:

You can see all of the results, and current standings here.

Another victory for Serbia, in another incredibly strong match. This time the host, Germany, has put in all of their efforts to makes sure they would make their home crowd proud.  In a very physically demanding duel, the players of coach Aleksandar Đorđević have managed to prevail over a difficult rival, allowing themselves a second win, in as many days.

Photo: Star sport. All rights reserved.
Photo: Starsport.

After Serbia’s fantastic win over Spain (80-70), here are some of the best moves we had the chance to see, this afternoon. Truly worth watching again. All of this is part of a Eurobasket special, that will showcase the best and most interesting elements that European basketball has to offer, during this championship.

Nakon fantastične pobede Srbije nad selekcijom Španije, sledi podsećanje na neke od najlepših poteza utakmice, koje svakako vredi ponovo pogledati.

Después de una increíble victoria de Serbia contra España, aquí están los mejores momentos del partido.