Serbia loses to Brazil 0:2 at their opening match, for a temporary break in the country’s World Cup euphoria.

Brazil v Serbia
Photo: FIFA, via the World Cup

The squad of Dragan Stojković was confident and compact, keeping the first halftime a goal-free zone, against Brazil’s shot after shot.Unfortunately, Serbia dropped the ball in the second half. Instead of showcasing their style, they proceded to lose themselves in the final 25 minutes. This was a match that wouldn’t determine anything, but that could seriously affect the energy for their upcoming performances.

Nije se desilo čudo. Reprezentacija Srbije ispala je sa Svetskog prvenstva porazom od Brazila 0:2.  Moglo je drugačije…

Nejmar Brazil Srbija
To nam je to. Foto: Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images, via NYT

Srbija ide na Brazil. Posle radosti i crnih orlova, naša reprezentacija se bori za opstanak. Navijački duh ne izostaje, dok nada u pobedu nad onim sto je ostalo od termina Jogo bonito živi od petka. Ako pobedimo, opraštaju se i zlatiborske zore.

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