Serbia was defeated by Croatia in a true derby (11:12) of the Budapest World Championship SF. The Dolphins made a good opening, but ended up on the losing side. A strange result for the reigning World Champions, that eventually had to happen.

Serbia’s National Team are known as the All around champions, uniting World, Europe, World League and Olympic gold medals. Undefeated since 2013. Nobody has done it before. 

After an epic match at the Camp Nou, Barça beat PSG by 6:1 and moved onto the next phase of the Champions League!

The hero. Source:  The Independent

They are now the first team to pull it off after an initial 0:4 loss in the first leg, making history and showing that it’s not over, until it’s over.

Delfini su zvanično šampioni svega osvojivog! Ekipa Dejana Savića osvojila je zlatnu olimpijsku medalju pobedom nad Hrvatskom od 11:7. Možda se publike neće sećati svih detalja sa turnira u Riju, ali je ova medalja večna. 

Foto: AP

Serbia has won it all! The World and European Champions have now added themselves the last one that was missing. The Olympic gold medal is now around Serbia’s Dolphin’s necks. Their first independent gold medal, and the first one for the country on the Games after 2008. And what a way to win it! A 11:7 against the reigning champions of Croatia. The excellence is complete!

U svom premijernom olimpijskom izdanju kao samostalna država, Srbija je savladala Australiju rezultatom 87:61 i plasirala se u finale! Srpski košarkaši su krenuli silovito i u prvoj polufinalnoj četvrtini protivniku dopustili samo pet bodova. Nakon skandala, otkaza, uigravanja i neizvesnog plasmana na Olimpijske igre, Srbija je nadmašila sva očekivanja. 

Photo: AP

Delfini su u finalu! Lako je savladana selekcija Italije i izborena šansa za prvo (samostalno) olimpijsko zlato. Briljirali su igrači Dejan Savića, o čemu je svedočila i prvobitna serija od 5:0.

Photo: Web

The Serbian Dolphins have reached their first Olympic final by an easy win against Italy. On Saturday they will be fighting for the only title that remains, that of Olympic champion.

Serbia defends World League title

Vaterpolo reprezentacija Srbije odbranila je titulu Svetske lige u Kini, ubedljivom pobedom nad Amerikom od 10:6. Igrači Dejana Savića, nametnuli su tempo od samog starta koji nije mogao da bude prekinut ni petercem dosuđenim za Sjedinjene Države. 

Standardno zlatni, reprezentativci Srbije. Foto: Waterpoloworld

Serbia wins their tenth FINA World League title by beating the US 10:6. The Dolphins lead by coach Dejan Savić have imposed their pace from the very start, creating a 5:1 lead, after which  they couldn’t be stopped. The reigning champion is once again the new champion, considering this is Team Serbia’s fourth consecutive title. 

The 25 years of Bari

Datum 29. maj 1991. godine vam verovatno neće previše značiti, osim ako niste ljubitelj fudbala, posebno na Balkanu. Na današnji dan pre 25 godina Crvena zvezda je dosegla trofej o kojem svi evropski klubovi sanjaju – Ligu šampiona. Tadašnji šampionski Kup, promenio je ime ali ne i značaj karakterističnog ušatog trofeja, za kojim se čezne.

Zvezda Champions League Bari
Mister. Photo: UEFA

May 29th of 1991. won’t mean much to you, unless you are a sports fanatic, particularly from the Balkans. On this day, 25 years ago Belgrade’s Crvena zvezda (Red Star) has reached the trophy every European team dreams of, the Champions League. The Cup, as it was referred to back then, has changed its name, but not its importance.

Leicester City have officially been crowned Premier League champions for the 2015/2016 season. In a year that anyone can ever hope for, the Foxes have picked up their first EPL trophy, after a 3:1 against Everton. 

Photo: Web.

This also meant Kasper Schmeichel becoming part of the very exclusive football “father and son club”, by winning the Premier 23 years after his father Peter did with Manchester United.

This photo needs another crown. Photo: Tom Jenkins and the Observer

The ecstatic fans and the even more giddy owner whose name we will all finally have to learn how to pronounce, have spent the best day in Leicester’s recorded history. A true win in modern football, over modern football. 

Reprezentacija Srbije u vaterpolu, ostvarila je neverovatan uspeh, osvojivši treće evropsko zlato. Kruna je ostala u Beogradu, pred oko šesnaest hiljada ljudi u prepunoj beogradskoj Areni

Delfini, evropsko zlato 2016
Foto: J.L.

The Serbian National team has defended the European title. The gold medal is staying in Belgrade after the Dolphins have beat Montenegro by 10:8.  The bronze went to Hungary that beat Greece in the prior match. 

Last night, New Zealand became rugby World champion, while fans of sport across the globe have gotten themselves another sweetheart. Sonny Williams, the tall, strong and tattooed pivot of New Zealand’s National Team has also become a hero off the playing field.

The hero of the evening. Photo: BPI/REX Shutterstock.
The hero of the evening.
Photo: BPI/REX Shutterstock.