Flying through the air of the Belgrade MTS Dvorana were the light, yet powerful dancers of the Samaia European Tour ensemble. They compete through beautifully choreographed movements in the name of medieval tradition and the prestige held by the title of a Kartvelian dancer in modern-day Georgian society. This amalgam of classical ballet, warfare agility, showmanship, as well as a search for love is valued globally for its unique set of required skills. Including outmost athleticism.

Georgian dances
Photo: J.L.

Mesec jul označava osmi rođendan sajta SidelineSRB. Ideja o malom blogu, nastala jednog pretoplog popodneva, ušla je u devetu godinu postojanja u digitalnoj sferi. 

SidelineSRB year 8
Tradicionalna, sa vaterpola.

The month of July marks 8 years of SidelineSRB. Not bad for a small project that started in my old living room. I covered your favorite teams winning… And losing. I also reported on the Serbian National Team in almost everything featuring a ball. This labor of love remains my longest project and I wish to thank you for being its key part. I will continue to lead you through everything involving sport, in a multitude of languages, POV multimedia and – no clickbait.

There is something about the Champions League. Its theme music and logo; the way the stadium seems to light up and take on a mystical aura. This is the trophy everyone wants. However, there still are teams more likely to actually win it.

Champions League trophy
Photo source: AS

Svetsko prvenstvo u košarci je u toku, a Srbija beleži sjajne rezultate i već je u četvrtfinalu. Međutim, deo domaće sportske publike u nastupima reprezentacije vidi nešto više – konflikt klubova.

Srbija Svetsko prvenstvo u košarci
Zašto ovaj prizor nije dovoljan? Foto: FIBA

Francuska je prvak sveta u fudbalu. Pobeda od 4:2, označila je kraj hrvatske bajke i vreme za sumiranje utisaka, uz najbolje i najgore primere sa Mundijala u Rusiji.

Pariz, slavlje, mundijal
Slavlje. Foto: Lucas Barioulet/AFP/Getty Images, via The Guardian

After eight years the Serbian National Team is back. The long break from international competitions has produced a change in squad, a new captain and a disputed coach. The country that relishes football more than any other sport is trying to keep the faith while constantly being played with.

Homecoming of Serbian athlethes
Source: Njuz

Sinoćna utakmica Zvezde protiv CSKA završena je rezultatom 0:0. Sve se složilo u naizgled skladnu fudbalsku slagalicu: slabija odbrana Armejaca, dobra forma Beograđana i solidna podrška sa tribina. Međutim, prava premijera toliko željenog proleća za crveno-bele, moraće još da sačeka. Još nekoliko dana nije ništa u poređenju sa 25 godina.

Zvezda prolece
“FUCK TV”. Photo: JL

Zvezda played a draw (0:0) against Moscow’s CSKA. Despite the lack of goals, it’s still a pleasant surprise for the team from Belgrade and a disappointment for the Russians who came to Serbia expecting a win. Both teams will have to get into full focus for the upcoming match in Moscow (Feb 21st), in order to get that winning goal. On the stands, around 30k fans, and a few minor incidents. An all in all peaceful start of Zvezda’s first knockout stage in 25 years.

Manchester United finished their match against Southampton with an uneventful 0:0. The Reds final fixture of the year is a staple of everything currently wrong with their game.

Mourinho United Meme
Source: Web

Kreće rekapitulacija 2017. Treća u kojoj pišem ovaj blog. Godina koja je na izmaku, pružila je ljubiteljima sporta nebrojene doživljaje. Počevši od fenomenalnih utakmica, filmskih preokreta, debija i završetaka uspešnih karijera, do nešto manje prijatnih situacija za gledanje.