Srbija je savladala Hrvatsku u poslednjoj prijateljskoj utakmici pre početka olimpijskog turnira u Riju. Ekipa Aleksandra Đorđevića slavila je sa 86:77.

Poznati su parovi polufinala Evropskog prvenstva u vaterpolu. Očekuju nas veoma zanimljivi dueli, nakon kojih samo jedna selekcija dobija vizu za Rio. 

We have all of the fixtures for the upcoming European Water polo Championship semifinals.

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Foto: J.L.

Photo: FIBA. All rights reserved.
Photo: FIBA

Today marked the end of the last group stage competition day. Spain has barely won over Germany,  in a match where the host had a chance to get to extra time, using free throws. Sadly for the home fans, Dennis Schröder missed the third throw, allowing Spain to win by a point (77-76). In the B group, Serbia took the first spot, by a fifth win on the Championship, over Italy.