Euroleague: A minute between all and nothing

Crveno-beli su poraženi u svom prvom evroligaškom duelu nove sezone sa 70:73, iako je tokom čitave utakmice takav scenario delovao gotovo nemoguće.

Foto: J.L.

Crvena zvezda loses to Darussafaka in a match everyone had seen as a slam dunk victory. Despite being in a 10+ lead, the players of coach Dejan Radonjić have fallen behind due to missed free throws and precise hits from their guests. This has eventually resulted to the demise of their advantage, with only seconds left to the end. The final score, 70:73 for Darussafaka.

No simple solutions for Red Star

Crveno-bele je iznenadila Darušafaka, rezultatom 61:80. Ishod kojim je propušten siguran plasman u Top 8 fazu Evrolige. Uprkos dobrom početku, ekipa Dejana Radonjića, uspela je da pobedi samu sebe.

Foto: J.L.

Despite a strong head start, Red Star was unable to end tonight’s match against Darusafaka with a victory. A victory that would have lead the Belgrade Red and Whites straight to the Euroleague Top 8. Instead, there will be two matches to think of, one not being their own, in order for them to finally make that desired leap forward.