No surprise here. Fifth consecutive WL  title for the new and improved Serbian National Team! Dejan Savić’s Dolphins have beat Italy in a tense final by 10:9.

Serbia played without retired captain Živko Gocić and Slobodan Nikić.

Team Serbia sprints into WL defense

Vaterpolisti Srbije krenuli su u novi pohod na Svetsku ligu. Desetostruki šampioni ovog takmičenja, u prvom preliminarnom meču su se suočili sa reprezentacijom Rumunije. O pobedi u Kragujevcu (19:8) nije bilo dileme.

Serbia’s National Team has started strong into their defense of the World League title. The new Olympic cycle means various new names in the pool, but very little factual changes in the Dolphins’ playing style. A convincing win of 19:8.

Serbia defends World League title

Vaterpolo reprezentacija Srbije odbranila je titulu Svetske lige u Kini, ubedljivom pobedom nad Amerikom od 10:6. Igrači Dejana Savića, nametnuli su tempo od samog starta koji nije mogao da bude prekinut ni petercem dosuđenim za Sjedinjene Države. 

Standardno zlatni, reprezentativci Srbije. Foto: Waterpoloworld

Serbia wins their tenth FINA World League title by beating the US 10:6. The Dolphins lead by coach Dejan Savić have imposed their pace from the very start, creating a 5:1 lead, after which  they couldn’t be stopped. The reigning champion is once again the new champion, considering this is Team Serbia’s fourth consecutive title. 

Srpski Delfini, plasirali su se u finale Svetske lige koje se igra u Kini. Ekipa Dejana Savića savladala je selekciju Italije rezultatom 7:4 i zakazala susret sa Sjedinjenim Državama. 

Srbija je rekorder u broju titula FINA Svetske lige, a trenutni je branilac trofeja.

Photo: Water Polo Serbia

Team Serbia reaches the FINA World League final by beating Italy 7:4, and will compete against the US for another title. The Dolphins have already created and broken records in the competition, and are undoubtedly one of the biggest positive constants in Serbian sport.