Kraj islandske bajke
The end of Iceland’s dream
Island je poražen rezultatom 5:2 od strane selekcije Francuske. Uprkos činjenici da se poraz novih evropskih miljenika očekivao, većina ljubitelja fudbala je danas razočarana. Ipak, ekipa Larsa Lagerbaka koja je postala pravi fenomen u proteklih mesec dana, podignute glave je napustila stadion, prethodno pozdravljajući se sa svojim navijačima uz karakterističan aplauz.

Despite their incredible shows of strength in the Euro, Iceland did not make it into the semis. Somewhat expectedly, Europe’s new favorites have been defeated by 2:5. France has managed to score fairly easily against the Vikings who have played their biggest international match against one of the top new contenders for the European crown.…