The end of Iceland’s dream

Island je poražen rezultatom 5:2 od strane selekcije Francuske. Uprkos činjenici da se poraz novih evropskih miljenika očekivao, većina ljubitelja fudbala je danas razočarana. Ipak, ekipa Larsa Lagerbaka koja je postala pravi fenomen u proteklih mesec dana, podignute glave je napustila stadion, prethodno pozdravljajući se sa svojim navijačima uz karakterističan aplauz.

Photo: AP

Despite their incredible shows of strength in the Euro, Iceland did not make it into the semis. Somewhat expectedly, Europe’s new favorites have been defeated by 2:5. France has managed to score fairly easily against the Vikings who have played their biggest international match against one of the top new contenders for the European crown.

U pripremnom meču pred početak olimpijskih kvalifikacija, Srbija je savladala Francusku rezultatom 94:88. Izjednačena igra suočenih ekipa, dovela je i do produžetka, tokom kojeg je došlo i do konačnog rezultata. Debitovao Jokić, najkorisniji – Raduljica. 

In a match equalised until the very end (81:81), Serbia was able to beat France twice in a week’s time, during a series of friendlies before the start of the Olympic qualifiers. The final result was 94:88 for the players of coach Saša Đorđević.  Tonight Miroslav Raduljica was the MVP, while Nikola Jokić made his debut in the National team. On the other hand, Lauvergne was France’s biggest asset with 14 points scored, followed by Tony Parker.

Delfini nastavljaju sa ubedljivim partijama na Evropskom prvenstvu. Posle Hrvatske i Malte, pala je i Francuska, rezultatom 16:8.

Foto: J.L.

After a rough start in the first half, Serbia manages to get another strong win. The Dolphins have beat France by 16:8 and are moving into the next phase of the European Championship in Belgrade.

France, as host, has come a long way. And after a victory against Turkey in the city of Lille, they are well into the quarterfinals. A record breaking European event, thanks to almost 27. 000 people. A total of 26. 136 spectators, that broke Red Star’s record, of 24. 232 souls, from March of 2014.  Obviously, both records represent modern achievements, that came after the downsizing of hall capacities, and new safety standards.

Source: Eurobasket. All rights reserved.
Source: Eurobasket.