Iceland offers a warm welcome to their heroes after a terrific performance in the Euro 2016. The open bus, the suits, and tens of thousands of happy cry fans were streamed live on the National TV. A beautiful event that once again showed off the true values of sport. 

You can also see the full event, right here. It will warm up your heart even if you don’t speak a word of the language. 

The end of Iceland’s dream

Island je poražen rezultatom 5:2 od strane selekcije Francuske. Uprkos činjenici da se poraz novih evropskih miljenika očekivao, većina ljubitelja fudbala je danas razočarana. Ipak, ekipa Larsa Lagerbaka koja je postala pravi fenomen u proteklih mesec dana, podignute glave je napustila stadion, prethodno pozdravljajući se sa svojim navijačima uz karakterističan aplauz.

Photo: AP

Despite their incredible shows of strength in the Euro, Iceland did not make it into the semis. Somewhat expectedly, Europe’s new favorites have been defeated by 2:5. France has managed to score fairly easily against the Vikings who have played their biggest international match against one of the top new contenders for the European crown.

Iceland, living the dream!

Reprezentacija Islanda, nastavila je da prevazilazi sva očekivanja. Savladana je Engleska rezultatom od 2:1. Srčani Islanđani, nadoknadili su zaostatak od jednog gola i ostvarili cilj plasmana u četvrtfinale.

Photo: The Guardian

Up until a month ago, very few people knew of the Iceland National Team. Tonight, they beat England, moving into the quarterfinals of the Eurocup. The team which is not worth millions, whose players have regular jobs and an occasional extra consonant in their last names, has brought up millions of fans around the world to enjoy the victory of sport, above everything else. The final result was 2:1. After the shocking result, Hodgson resigned as England’s manager.

Serbia continues their winning streak. A third win, in as many games of the Eurobasket, after a day of break. The players of coach Aleksandar Đorđević have beat a very lively Iceland, by 93-64. The European Championship debutantes refused to give up, even  when was no doubt about Serbia’s victory. Their fast paced style and an excellent 3 point scoring rate, have managed to get them the respect of all the rivals, and fans.

Ognjen Kuzmić performed very well today. Photo: Starsport. All rights reserved.
Ognjen Kuzmić performed very well today. Photo: Starsport

Nakon završena prva dva takmičarska dana na Eurobasketu, sledi kratak osvrt na stanje po grupama. Uz napomenu da grupe B i  C sutra imaju dan za odmor.  Rusija je upisala i prvi poraz na šampionatu. Srbija je pobedila Nemačku, a Španija  dokazala superiornost nad selekcijom Turske, i to najubedljivijom pobedom na dosadašnjem toku šampionata. Grčka je porazila Hrvatsku, u veoma napetom meču, dok je Slovenija savladala selekciju Gruzije. Litvanija je lako savladala Letoniju, nakon jučerašnje veoma neizvesne utakmice, na kojoj je odlučio samo jedan poen.

Sve rezultate, kao i trenutno stanje na tabeli možete pogledati ovde:

You can see all of the results, and current standings here.