Zach LaVine is most likely not your synonym for the NBA, but the man who overcame a torn ACL only to play his best season yet is getting the recognition he deserves with a career first selection for the All Star game.

Photo by Jim McIsaac/Getty Images

Growing up in a suburb outside of Seattle, it is unlikely that Zach ever expected to become an true inspiration, as he overcame the kind of injury people simply don’t recover from. Especially not in professional sport.

In my roaming around for some good highlights videos of Round 19, I learned that Crvena zvezda’s captain Luka Mitrović has had the best move of this Euroleague evening.

The young captain who got his title at only 20 (he is 23 now) has had his fair share of injuries, with the last one leaving his game far from the usual level.

Poslednji dan Stare godine, poznat je kao dan za rezimiranje, rekapitulaciju iz prethodnih 365. Sport nam je tokom 2016. godine dao mnogo razloga za veselje. Olimpijci, mladi fudbaleri, košarkaši, vaterpolisti…

 Foto: J.L.

The last day of the current year is always destinated to recaps of the part 365. Sport has given us so many reasons to be happy. Football, basketball, the Olympics. For Serbia, that obviously had to be water polo, which definitely marked the year 2016.

The end for CSKA

U Kombank Areni, Zvezda je savladala moskovski CSKA sa 78:67! Trenutni šampion Evrolige, čitavu utakmicu je jurio minus protiv ekipe Dejana Radonjića. Prednost iz prve četvrtine, pokazala se nedostižnom i ključnom za večerašnji trijumf.

Foto: Euroleague

Zvezda has won their third consecutive match over Euroleague favorites. After Real and Maccabi, for the end of a fantastic series, the Red and Whites have beat CSKA with 78:67. The current champions have fallen in front of around 18.000 fans in the Belgrade Arena. 

Omiljeni kumovi srpskog vaterpola Živko Gocić i Slobodan Nikić, oprostili su se večeras od reprezentativnog sporta. Srpski kapiten i najtrofejniji vaterpolista u istoriji, na Tašmajdanu odigrali su poslednju utakmicu pod zastavom Srbije. Prijateljski meč između naše selekcije i Tima sveta, pratilo je puno plivalište.

Comments, ideas, suggestions

Here’s the perfect place to let me know what you would you like to see more of, on this site. It could be another language, more players/teams features, live photography etc. Drop any ideas, feedback or general opinions in the comment section right below this post.

Your opinion matters. Have that in mind, and suggest away. 

Ovo je mesto za sve vaše ideje, pohvale, primedbe, primere kako poboljšati sadržaje sajta i slično. Da li biste voleli fokus na još nekoj ligi, timu, igraču, ili je bitniji jezik na kojem se piše? Da li vas interesuje više fotografija sa lica mesta?

Sve svoje ideje mi napišite u komentaru ispod ovog posta. Kao čitaoci, vaše mišljenje je veoma važno, a predlozi će biti uzeti u razmatranje. Najbolji će biti realizovani u narednom periodu. 🙂

The always necessary daily dose of inspiration. To me, it is these boys. Serbia’s waterpolo National Team. Aside from athletic inspiration, the Dolphins represent an example of commitment, dedication and hard work that really does pay off.

The unedited archives. Photo: J.L.

I took this image last winter, on the European Championship, played right here in Belgrade. On which, Serbia won… You’ve guessed it, gold.

I always enjoy seeing the varied conditions in which people show off their sporting skills. Sometimes it’s an insane pitch in the middle of nowhere, or maybe a mini-island, dedicated to football alone. Today’s inspiration, the 5-A pitches of Manchester. 

Photo: Pintrest + edit

Inspiracija dana. Gužva u Mančesteru nije bitna. Ptičja perspektiva na terene za “5 na 5” u Mančesteru. 

The new and improved version of the site

Some of the better known features, such as multilingual posts are here to stay, this time with a more comprehensive layout, a cleaner look, and most important of all, a brand new name. 

Since this is a blog written by someone who spends most of her time around a pitch, closer to the sidelines, and since blogging lets me take all of you there with me… Sideline it is. 

It’s an absolute pleasure (and an occasional torturous wifi moment, if we’re being honest), to bring anyone to the sidelines of a sporting event, willing to take a look, and potentially  see a match or a team from a slightly different angle than expected.

As always, your support through likes, shares and follows means a lot, so I thank you. 

Now buckle up, people. We’re just getting started.

Sa ponosom vam predstavljam novu verziju bloga

Sve je novo, počevši od imena, do izgleda. Prepoznatljivi deo višejezičnih tekstova ostaje, iz dobro poznatih razloga. Kako bi što više čitalaca imalo prilike da razume tekst i tako pogleda sportski događaj iz još neke perspektive.

Kao što znate, ovaj blog pišem najčešće iz ugla blizu aut-linije, pa je bilo i logično da stranicu preimenujem shodno tome. Sideline je linija auta. Drugačije rečeno, prostor najbliži samom terenu.

Imati mogućnost, da prenesem makar deo doživljaja sa neke utakmice čitaocima iz udaljenih delova sveta, onima koji o srpskom sportu znaju malo, ili ljudima koji prosto nisu imali vremena da odu na neki od mečeva, fenomenalan je osećaj i zahvalna sam vam na pažnji koju posvećujete sadržajima ovog bloga.

U budućnosti se nadam mnogo većim pričama i bližem pogledu na stvari, koji ćemo deliti zajedno. Ne mrdajte, na dobrom smo putu. 🙂

Playing with domains so far only gets you a headache. Bring in the Advil, we’re only human here. The blog is staying on WordPress for now. More updates in due time.

And here’s your daily inspiration. Fresh from the home of football in Fortaleza, Brazil.

Photo: Robert Cianflone/Getty Images