Poslednja medalja na ovodišnjim igrama za Srbiju, zasluga je košarkaša. Ekipa Aleksandra Đorđevića osvojila je srebro nakon poraza od Sjedinjenih Država rezultatom 66:96. Uprkos ubedljivoj pobedi američke reprezentacije, ovo je prva olimpijska medalja za samostalnu srpsku košarku. Bronza je otišla Španiji.

Foto: KSS

Serbia wins their first basketball Olympic medal in the mens tournament as an independent state, a silver. The gold went to the US after a 96:66 win in the finals, while the bronze belongs to Spain.

Red Star loses to Cedevita in their final Top 16 match

Crvena zvezda Telekom izgubila je od Cedevite rezultatom 62:83 u poslednjoj utakmici Top 16 faze Evrolige. U utorak crveno-bele čeka četvrtfinalna serija sa CSKA.

Belgrade’s Red and Whites have lost to Cedevita in Zagreb, ending another Euroleague Top 16. Despite no competitive value and having lost the chance to move forward in the competition, Cedevita’s players seemed far more motivated than their guests. A new challenge awaits starting Tuesday, as they will face off Moscow’s CSKA in the Top 8 series.

Novobeogradska Hala sportova, od danas zvanično nosi ime jednog od najznačajnijih košarkaških stručnjaka ovih prostora, Ranka Žeravice. 

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Foto: KSS.

Belgrade’s Hala sportova gets renamed after one of Serbia’s most well known and respected basketball experts and coaches, Ranko Žeravica. The establisher of Serbian modern basketball that passed away last fall is now remembered at the most important location for the Former Yugoslav sport. Wise, patient and focused, through his work he changed the lives of many world famous athletes who also became his good friends.