A close win for Zvezda against Maccabi

Crveno-beli su u Areni savladali Makabi (87:84). Pred oko 8800 gledalaca ekipa Dušana Alimpijevića upisala je drugu evroligašku pobedu uz maestralnu partiju Tejlora Ročestija.

Foto: J.L.

The Red and Whites beat Maccabi by 87:84 for an improved Euroleague standing. Zvezda took a tense match and brought it all home. Some 9k fans were forced to hold their breath throughout the game, with a sigh of relief coming up only by the last 15 seconds. The fantastic performance of Taylor Rochestie (22p) made it possible for the newly formed team to not let any surprises their way.

Red Star’s best yet

U svom najboljem izdanju dosadašnje sezone, Zvezda je na domaćem terenu savladala izraelski Makabi rezultatom 83:58. Prednost je prelazila +30, u trećoj četvrtini za pamćenje. 

Photo: J.L.

In a match seen as the perfect example of how to play, Red Star defeated Maccabi by 83:58. The advantage, which rose up to 31pts in the 3rd quarter, was undeniable and thanks to an amazingly energetic offense and a strong defense, the winner was obvious after the first twenty minutes.  Hopes are high for the next match in Belgrade, against Real Madrid.

The first leg of the last qualifying round of the UEFA Champions League was played during the past two days. A very strong Celtic has managed to score 3 goals, against Malmö, resulting in a 3-2 score, for the Scots. There was very little doubt in the winner of tonight’s match between Valencia and AC Monaco, considering the 3-1 result, and a very little chance for the opponent to do bigger damage in the second leg match. Zagreb’s Dinamo beats Skenderbeu, as guests by 2-1.