Novak Đoković potvrdio je epitet najvećeg svih vremena na najlepši mogući način. Olimpijskim zlatom na pariskoj šljaci. 

Foto: Novak Đoković, Instagram

Ovonedeljna Rekapitulacija nam donosi: nastavak Evrolige, plasman Večitih u bazenu, susret Novaka Đokovića i Stefa Karija, odlične partije Vase Micića i jedinu pravu Superligu.

Vasilije Micić, Hornets
Novi miljenik navijača. Foto: AP Photo/Matt Slocum

Da počnemo.

Nedelju za nama obeležio je tenis, a odmah zatim i borilački sportovi. Reprezentacija Srbije nije uspela da osvoji novu titulu u Dejvis kupu, dok su se Milica Đuričić (devojačko Mandić) i Emilija Antanasijević okitile zlatnim medaljama.

Milica Mandić
Foto: Milica Đuričić, Instagram

Novak Đoković wins his 40th Masters title and secures his position of World No 1 for the end of the year. Nikola Jokić stays in double digits, while LEN are still searching for a new European Championship alternative. This and more in this week’s Recap.

Djokovic Paris
This is Novak’s 7th Paris Masters title. Photo: ATP Paris

This week on the Recap: Partizan wins the Euroleague Derby, Serbia remembers the birth of legendary coach Dušan Ivković, while Nemanja Majdov judos his way to a Gran Slam gold. Also featured, the Water Polo European Championship is moved to a new host country and much more.

Deby Partizan
Photo: KK Partizan, via IG

Crvena Zvezda has cut ties with coach Duško Ivanović, as both Zvezda and Partizan are on a losing streak ahead of the two derbies. In terms of water polo, Partizan remains without a defined training location, as the Serbian League continues. This and much more in the week’s sporting recap.

water polo cover
Photo: J.L.

Novak Đoković wins his 10th Aussie Open title for a total of 22 Grand Slams. His tearful celebration was followed by the entire freedom loving world. Melbourne is the land of Đoković.

Novak Australian Open 22
The 10th kiss. Photo: Australian Open

Novak Đoković osvojio je rekordni, osmi Australijan open, pobedom nad Dominikom Timom u trileru od pet setova. Od ponedeljka je ponovo prvi.

Novak Đoković Aus Open 2020
Source: Tumblr