Partizan beats Olympiacos (90:75) in front of a record-breaking home crowd. Europe’s big names keep falling in the Belgrade Arena, as the Black and Whites slowly but surely approach the Euroleague Top 8.

Partizan vs Olympiacos Euroleague
Photo: J.L. / SIDELINESRB (shot on a potato)

Partizan je savladao Crvenu zvezdu (92:81) u derbiju 21. kola ABA lige. Crno-beli u potpunosti su nadoknadili dvadeset i pet minuta u dvocifrenom minusu i nametnuli se tokom poslednje četvrtine. Ishod koji daje ogromnu energiju crno-belima uoči nastavka evroligaških borbi za Top 8. Presudila je serija 16-0.

derbi, partizan
Foto: J.L. / SidelineSRB

Fenerbache beats Partizan at the Štark Arena (94:97) in front of the traditionally loud Belgrade fans. In true derby fashion it was a close tie until the final ten minutes when Fener shot up through the offensive efforts of former Red Star tiebreaker Marko Gudurić.