Zvezda odbranila titulu
Red Star defends the Adriatic title
Crvena zvezda Telekom, odbranila je titulu šampiona regionalne ABA lige. Rezultatom 61:49, ukupno 3:0 u seriji, savladana je perspektivna Mega. Na gostovanju u Sremskoj Mitrovici, ekipa Dejana Radonjića istakla se svojim iskustvom i manjim brojem grešaka na terenu.

Red Star keeps their ABA League trophy by beating an undoubtedly enthusiastic opponent, Mega Leks of Sremska Mitrovica. On their third playoff match, this time away from the home court of the Pionir Hall, the Red and Whites have beat the brightly coloured Mega, by 61:49, for a total of 3:0 in the series. The trophy was lifted by Zvezda’s two captains, Branko Lazić and Luka Mitrović who was away most of the season, due to a knee injury.