Hladno proleće na Marakani
Sinoćna utakmica Zvezde protiv CSKA završena je rezultatom 0:0. Sve se složilo u naizgled skladnu fudbalsku slagalicu: slabija odbrana Armejaca, dobra forma Beograđana i solidna podrška sa tribina. Međutim, prava premijera toliko željenog proleća za crveno-bele, moraće još da sačeka. Još nekoliko dana nije ništa u poređenju sa 25 godina.

Zvezda played a draw (0:0) against Moscow’s CSKA. Despite the lack of goals, it’s still a pleasant surprise for the team from Belgrade and a disappointment for the Russians who came to Serbia expecting a win. Both teams will have to get into full focus for the upcoming match in Moscow (Feb 21st), in order to get that winning goal. On the stands, around 30k fans, and a few minor incidents. An all in all peaceful start of Zvezda’s first knockout stage in 25 years.…