Zvezda – Vojvodina 3:0
Zvezda zasijala punim sjajem, upisavši jedanaestu uzastopnu pobedu u Jelen superligi. U večerašnjem zaostatku, odigranom kao deo 13. kola JSL, crveno-beli su savladali ekipu Vojvodine rezultatom 3:0.
Zvezda zasijala punim sjajem, upisavši jedanaestu uzastopnu pobedu u Jelen superligi. U večerašnjem zaostatku, odigranom kao deo 13. kola JSL, crveno-beli su savladali ekipu Vojvodine rezultatom 3:0.
One of Serbia’s most well known “new generation” talents Nemanja Bjelica has had his first official day at work. The “rookie” had the chance to present himself once again, in front of the press and fans, during the traditional Media day. A common practice in all of the big clubs, meant to show off the latest squad to the public, and have the players get used to the contact with the media.
Nakon odigranih 96 minuta, okončan je i 149. “Večiti derbi”. Ovaj put, pobeda je pripala domaćinu, Crvenoj zvezdi, uz tri postignuta gola iz igre. Na poluvremenu, 1-1.
Konačni rezultat je bio 3-1, a strelci: Ugo Viejra, u 27. i 50. minutu, te Aleksandar Karai, u 55. minutu, za pravi delirijum na tribinama stadiona “Rajko Mitić”. Počasni pogodak, još na prvom poluvremenu, postigao je Alen Stevanović (45′), nakon dobrog pasa Stefana Babovića, te katastrofalne greške golmana Damira Kahrimana.
A phenomenal Serbia enters the knockout phase of the European basketball championship from a B1 position, fulfilling its first goal of the competition. The players of coach Aleksandar Đorđević have marked another win in the group stage, making a perfect record, 5 out of 5.
Ponovo prava rapsodija reprezentacije Srbije. Pala je i Italija, čime su izabranici Aleksandra Đorđevića ostvarili savršen skor, od 5 pobeda u isto toliko utakmica. Ponovo je plesao po terenu kapiten Miloš Teodosić, sa ubačenih 26 poena. Njegovi potezi u saradnji sa Bjelicom i Raduljicom će nesumnjivo biti prikazivani iznova i iznova, kao neki od najlepših na šampionatu. Konačno je savladana i barijera od stotinu bodova, čime je srpska ekipa po prvi put postala trocifrena na šampionatu, rezultatom od 101-82, nakon dva slobodna bacanja Nemanje Nedovića, samo nekoliko sekundi pre kraja utakmice. Zajedno sa ali-upovima Nikole Kalinića, većinski naša publika u Mercedes-Benc areni je imala razloga za uživanje. Srbiji sada sledi zasluženi odmor do nedelje, i to sa željene B1 pozicije, nakon čega se sastaju sa Finskom, nakon njihovog poraza od selekcije Poljske.
Večeras je na jagodinskom Gradskom stadionu odigrana utakmica 8. kola Jelen superlige, između čačanskog Borca i domaćina, Jagodine.
After weeks of rumors, it seems that they the next home for Gal Mekel is Serbia. The 27 year-old point guard from Israel is about to sign his contract with BC Red Star, as the Belgrade red and whites continue strengthening all of their positions.
Greece has announced their full squad on Sunday night, after beating Russia, in a four-nation friendly (80-65), a part of the Eurobasket preparations. Coach Fotis Katsikaris has decided to go with an experienced team, which is the reason why this year’s roster is filled by the country’s most well known names in the world of basketball.
After weeks of wait, the Greek-cameroonian center has finally arrived. The most well known signing of this transfer window for BC Red Star, Sofoklis Schortsanitis, has reached Belgrade, ready to take on the trainings.
Nakon nedelja čekanja, Sofoklis Skortsanitis je stigao u Beograd. Kao po dogovoru, stameni grčko-kamerunski centar je pristigao na aerodrom Nikola Tesla danas popodne, gde mu je pružena tradicionalna srpska dobrodošlica. Nakon koje ga nije čekao luksuzan auto, pa čak ni taksi.
Nakon 93 odigrana minuta u beloruskom Borisovu, rezultat je 1-0 u korist domaćina. Revanš u sredu.
After 93 minutes played in Belarus, BATE wins by 1-0 in the final stage before the beginning of the Champions League.
…In front of around 10.000 spectators, including many foreign fans, the team of coach Aleksandar Đorđević was able to easily defeat China, as part of the Belgrade Trophy friendly tournament.
The Serbian players have entered the match fully equipped to take on any opponent, which they have proved, with their strong play and some truly beautiful moves. Without a doubt, captain Miloš Teodosić is back. The player that is beyond able to make any team mate shine, has proven why he is considered one of the best in the world. Euroleague’s MVP, Nemanja Bjelica also had a very good game, undoubtedly worthy of his title.
A pleasant surprise was the young Nemanja Dangubić. The tall guard used this game to show off his progress in the past season, improving his chances to represent Serbia at the upcoming Eurobasket. His dunk was one of the best moves of the night.
As the match progressed, the opponent was becoming increasingly physical, injuring Miroslav Raduljica, and Nemanja Dangubić. Both in the facial region. Luckily, both of the contact injuries are minor.
Coach Đorđević has taken the chance to positively comment on his players, and show understanding and respect towards the rival. At one point, it seemed to me that they weren’t left with anything else, except enter into physical contact. It is a matter of competitors pride. (…)
My philosophy is for the players to always play as strong as they can, because that represents a due respect to the national jersey. It shows that we’re on the right path, the boys are focused. I take no objections.
He has also invited everyone to the Belgrade Arena, in order to support the National Team, tomorrow night. We will pay it back, by our sacrifice on court. The match between Serbia and Russia starts at 20:30 CET.
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