Poslednja medalja na ovodišnjim igrama za Srbiju, zasluga je košarkaša. Ekipa Aleksandra Đorđevića osvojila je srebro nakon poraza od Sjedinjenih Država rezultatom 66:96. Uprkos ubedljivoj pobedi američke reprezentacije, ovo je prva olimpijska medalja za samostalnu srpsku košarku. Bronza je otišla Španiji.

Foto: KSS

Serbia wins their first basketball Olympic medal in the mens tournament as an independent state, a silver. The gold went to the US after a 96:66 win in the finals, while the bronze belongs to Spain.

When it comes to Serbian water polo, there are no ups and downs. As that one song said, “The only way is up”, and once reached the podium, there is no stepping down, just getting another gold. When I said podium, I was (obviously) referring to the first place. Because that is how good they are. It does seem that when the Dolphins are playing big tournaments, the only thing you have to do is check the final score.

Photo: AP /Sergei Grits

Delfini su zvanično šampioni svega osvojivog! Ekipa Dejana Savića osvojila je zlatnu olimpijsku medalju pobedom nad Hrvatskom od 11:7. Možda se publike neće sećati svih detalja sa turnira u Riju, ali je ova medalja večna. 

Foto: AP

Serbia has won it all! The World and European Champions have now added themselves the last one that was missing. The Olympic gold medal is now around Serbia’s Dolphin’s necks. Their first independent gold medal, and the first one for the country on the Games after 2008. And what a way to win it! A 11:7 against the reigning champions of Croatia. The excellence is complete!

U svom premijernom olimpijskom izdanju kao samostalna država, Srbija je savladala Australiju rezultatom 87:61 i plasirala se u finale! Srpski košarkaši su krenuli silovito i u prvoj polufinalnoj četvrtini protivniku dopustili samo pet bodova. Nakon skandala, otkaza, uigravanja i neizvesnog plasmana na Olimpijske igre, Srbija je nadmašila sva očekivanja. 

Photo: AP

Delfini su u finalu! Lako je savladana selekcija Italije i izborena šansa za prvo (samostalno) olimpijsko zlato. Briljirali su igrači Dejan Savića, o čemu je svedočila i prvobitna serija od 5:0.

Photo: Web

The Serbian Dolphins have reached their first Olympic final by an easy win against Italy. On Saturday they will be fighting for the only title that remains, that of Olympic champion.

Razlika od pet sati u odnosu na Rio, poremetila je san brojnih balkanskih ljubitelja sporta. Ipak, uzimajući u obzir šta je sve na programu u Brazilu, moramo reći da vredi.

Večeras, ili bolje rečeno, noćas nas čekaju dva finala: Tijana Bogdanović boriće se za zlatnu medalju u tekvondu, na svojim prvim Olimpijskim igrama. Druga, potencijalno zlatna reprezentativka Srbije je Ivana Španović, čije je finale u toku, uz jaku konkurenciju.

I naravno, posebna poslastica za sve Balkance, košarkaški duel između ljutih rivala Srbije i Hrvatske, koji počinje za nešto manje od sat vremena.

Istegnite se, spremite kofeinski napitak po želji i krećemo.

Davor Štefanek has won his first Olympic gold medal. The first medal for Serbia in Rio, and the first gold in wrestling in four decades. This is what he had to say to the Serbian National TV after the ceremony, with the transcript in English. 

“The Olympic champion! Twenty years of work have payed off tonight. How are you feeling right now?”

-“I am not even aware of it yet. I can’t believe this happened. Getting into the final was a big deal. I knew I was ready…”

Vaterpolo reprezentacija Srbije, doživela je pravi preporod. U četvrtfinalu se protiv selekcije Španije iskazala sva snaga evropskog i svetskog šampiona, za silovit ulazak u polufinale. Čeka se noć i novi protivnik.


In their best match yet, Serbia beats Spain for a spot in the Mens Water polo Semifinals. A 10:7 win was marked by a solid standing in all the aspects of the Serbian strategy, while it is now clear that the World and European Champions are ready in Rio.