At least for a few hours, we had the chance to see an epic set of players reunite for the Reds, as Old Trafford was saying: Thank you to club legend Michael Carrick. 

Photo: Reuters

Muzički fudbal

The song Shape of you was done through the names of 238 football players. You will hear the likes of Adebayor, Matić and Ronaldihno as you hum to the viral tune. This  footballing take on Ed Sheeran has so far collected almost 500k hits. 

The question now is: How many players do you recognize?

I always enjoy seeing the varied conditions in which people show off their sporting skills. Sometimes it’s an insane pitch in the middle of nowhere, or maybe a mini-island, dedicated to football alone. Today’s inspiration, the 5-A pitches of Manchester. 

Photo: Pintrest + edit

Inspiracija dana. Gužva u Mančesteru nije bitna. Ptičja perspektiva na terene za “5 na 5” u Mančesteru. 

Nekadašnji selektor zlatne generacije srpskih orlića i jedna od ključnih ličnosti za hipotetički preporod domaćeg fudbala Veljko Paunović, dobio je novi posao. 

Nakon odlaska sa mesta selektora, te novih zaduženja u Savezu, univerzalno omiljeni “Paun”, će sreću okušati preko okeana. Naime, zvanično je potvrđena vest o njegovom odlasku na klupu američkog fudbalskog kluba Chicago Fire. 

The fact that Jürgen Klopp, the amazing German football expert, who has done wonders in the past years with Borussia Dortmund, and has changed teams is old news. His signing to Liverpool  became a sensation to all of the fans of the “other Reds”, as well as the media.

Klopp has stated many times in these past days, how happy he was to become Liverpool’s new manager, hoping he would be able to change the squad’s tactics and get the Scousers into a winning streak. But from all of the interviews, questions and answers, the following image is what best sums up his enthusiasm for finally being at Anfield.

A vivid response of a charming manager, who has since been dubbed as the “Normal one”. There is no doubt that the footballing world is looking forward to seeing what the eclectic German has in store.

Another proof of Juan Mata’s great shape, is the latest challenge the Spanish midfielder decided to have fun with. The goal is to score as many times possible, with a blindfold covering his eyes.
It is not a surprise that he has done well.
The video was uploaded to the official Youtube channel, hosted by one of Man United’s best players of the year, and is already turning out to be a huge hit. Chances are, there will be plenty of more ideas to through.

Huan Mata pogađa i zatvorenih očiju. Kao što može da se primeti u snimku koji je juče postavljen na njegov zvanični kanal. Dok se gotovo stotinu hiljada ljudi divi veštinama španskog vezizste, jasno je da će se za Matu lako naći još koji izazov.

Proteklog vikenda je odigrano svih osam utakmica Jelen superlige. Čak četiri remija i samo jedanaest golova. Znatno lošiji učinak, u odnosu na prethodno kolo. Zvezda u velikoj prednosti, OFK i dalje bez rešenja.

Hearts FC, a seemingly small Scottish football team from the Midlothian region, has decided to show thanks to their most loyal supporters. Not that long ago, the club was facing major financial issues, fighting to stay afloat. That was the moment when Anne Budge and associates got involved, forming a foundation whose only goal was to keep the club alive.

The Foundation of Hearts  has over 8000 members that have become united over saving their beloved club. Now that the Hearts seem safe, the board has decided to thank them by a special Tribute kit. The third kit of the Scots, now has all the names of paying members printed out on the shirts.

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Photo: Web.

Fudbaleri Partizana, uspešno su započeli svoj boravak u Ligi Evrope. Na stadionu JNA, pao je AZ Alkmar, rezultatom 3-2. Zdušna podrška najvernijih navijača, pomogla su crno-belima da upišu svoja prva tri poena. Iako malobrojni: “…Oni su naša snaga. To je crno-bela porodica koja je uz nas kada je teško. Hvala im na svemu” – poručio je Živko Živković, nakon završetka utakmice.

Nakon nestrpljivog čekanja, ove nedelje je ponovo tu. Liga šampiona. Kladioničari zadovoljno trljaju ruke, planira se strategija za praćenje što više prenosa, dok se u baštama kafića čuje  otvaranje flaša, uz poneki povik posle promašene šanse za gol.

Photo: Bayern official Twitter. All rights reserved.
Photo: Bayern official Twitter

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