Remember how yesterday, the most important signing for BC Red Star so far, Sofoklis Schortanitis, had to take the bus? Well, it turns out that this move was actually a very special candid camera project, carefully planned for the strong center. A warm welcome, that I’m sure he won’t forget.

Danas je otkriveno i zašto je najznačajnije pojačanje Crvene zvezde u dosadašnjem toku prelaznog roka, Sofoklis Skortsanitis, putovao gradskim autobusom. Sve je bilo deo, pažljivo isplanirane skrivene kamere, u znak tople dobrodošlice stamenom centru. Ovakav doček, sigurno neće zaboraviti.

After weeks of wait, the Greek-cameroonian center has finally arrived. The most well known signing of this transfer window for BC Red Star, Sofoklis Schortsanitis, has reached Belgrade, ready to take on the trainings.

Nakon nedelja čekanja, Sofoklis Skortsanitis je stigao u Beograd. Kao po dogovoru, stameni grčko-kamerunski centar je pristigao na aerodrom Nikola Tesla danas popodne, gde mu je pružena tradicionalna srpska dobrodošlica. Nakon koje ga nije čekao luksuzan auto, pa čak ni taksi.

Vozi, Miško! / Definitely not photoshop.  Foto: kkcz
Vozi, Miško! / Definitely not photoshop.
Photo: kkcz

Sofoklis Schortsanitis has expressed his enthusiasm for playing as a part of Crvena zvezda.  The red and white’s first signing of this transfer window is eager to show all of his skills in front of the Serbian fans.

“During each game that I wear the Red Star jersey, I will be giving a 110% of myself and my energy. I will fight for every point, and play with my heart, not only my body. So that my team can win in every match.  (…) I always had a special relationship with the fans. I’d like to state that the atmosphere that I felt and saw in Belgrade is something absolutely unique… Amazing, even. I can’ t wait to be a part of that.”

“Big Sofo” is most definitely not new to playing in front of big crowds and passionate fans. In his successful career, he has played for Panathinaikos and Olympiacos, both with extremely strong crowd presence, as well as Tel Aviv’s Maccabi.  For that, he is known to stay focused under pressure, while “giving hell” to the opposite side.

The strong center will be joining the team on August 23rd, but he already started individual trainings, to make sure he is in shape for the start of the new season.

Both team and fans have already welcomed him on social media.

Sofoklis Skorcanidis je izrazio entuzijazam zbog igranja za Crvenu zvezdu. Prvi novi igrač crveno-belih u ovom prelaznom roku, željno iščekuje priliku da svoje veštine pokaže pred srpskom publikom.

U svojoj prvoj izjavi kao igrač Zvezde, istakao je:  “Na svakoj utakmici u Zvezdinom dresu davaću 110 odsto sebe i svoje energije. Boriću se za svaku loptu. Igraću srcem, ne samo telom, da moj tim pobedi u svakom meču. (…) Sa navijačima sam oduvek imao poseban odnos. Hoću da naglasim da je atmosfera koju sam osetio i video kada sam igrao protiv Zvezde u Beogradu nešto sasvim jedinstveno, čak mogu reći potpuno neverovatno. Ne mogu da dočekam da to doživim i budem deo toga”.

“Big Sofo” je svakako navikao da igra pred velikim brojem strastvenih navijača. Tokom svoje duge i uspešne karijere, ovaj stameni centar je igrao za Panatinaikos i Olimpijakos, poznate po izuzetno snažnoj navijačkoj bazi, te Makabi iz Tel Aviva. Činjenica zahvaljujući kojoj je poznat po snažnim igrama pod pritiskom, te pružanju paklenih uslova protivničkim igračima

Skorcanidis će se priključiti ekipi 23. avgusta, a već je počeo i sa individualnim treninzima, kako bi bio u najboljoj mogućoj formi pred start nove sezone.

Klub te brojni navijači su mu već poželeli dobrodošlicu preko društvenih mreža.

Tonight is the night when Europe’s tallest was replaced by Europe’s largest. The strong 2,08m tall Greek-Cameroonian center has officially become part of the B.C Red Star (in Serbian, KK Crvena zvezda). The latest member of the Red and Whites has signed a one year contract, showing the team’s strong ambitions for the upcoming season. So far, he is the first of the team’s new signings, which are meant to replace the top players of last season’s record-breaking generation, that have left the club during the past month.

Before his latest contract, Schortsanitis has played for both of the Greek giants: Olympiacos and Panathinaikos,while reaching the Euroleague title with Maccabi Tel Aviv in 2014, from which he has transferred to Red Star. He was also chosen into the Euroleague top 5 team, in 2011.

During his last season in Maccabi, he played an average 14,5 minutes per game, while scoring 6,7 points, with a Performance index rating of 5,9.

Večeras je najveći evropski igrač zamenio najvišeg. Naime, Sofoklis Skorcanidis je postao član KK Crvena zvezda. Stameni centar grčk0-kamerunskog porekla, potpisao je jednogodišnji ugovor, na taj način potvrđujući dalje pobedničke ambicije kluba sa Malog Kalemegdana. On je prvi u nizu najavljivanih pojačanja, koja bi trebalo da zamene članove prošlosezonske pobedničke generacije, koji su tokom proteklog meseca napustili klub.

Pre potpisivanja za Zvezdu, 208cm visok Skorcanidis je igrao za grčke gigante, Olimpijakos i Panatinaikos, dok je sa Makabijem iz Tel Aviva 2014. postao evropski šampion. Takođe je bio član Najbolje petorke Evrolige, tokom sezone 2010/11.

Tokom svoje poslednje, sezone u Makabiju, zabeležio je prosečnih 14,5 minuta na terenu, tokom kojih je postigao 6,7 poena, uz indeks korisnosti od 5,9.