At least for a few hours, we had the chance to see an epic set of players reunite for the Reds, as Old Trafford was saying: Thank you to club legend Michael Carrick. 

Photo: Reuters

Odbojkaši Srbije stavili su tačku na svoje putešestvije ka tronu Svetske lige na najlepši mogući način. Konačno je savladana selekcija Brazila, i to sa ubedljivih 3:0  (25:22, 25:22, 25:21). 

Foto: World League 2016

Team Serbia has finally beat Brazil (3:0) and earned themselves their first World League title. In an incredible run for the players lead by the praised expert in the sport Nikola Grbić, the boys in blue have absolutely made a statement.

Leicester City have officially been crowned Premier League champions for the 2015/2016 season. In a year that anyone can ever hope for, the Foxes have picked up their first EPL trophy, after a 3:1 against Everton. 

Photo: Web.

This also meant Kasper Schmeichel becoming part of the very exclusive football “father and son club”, by winning the Premier 23 years after his father Peter did with Manchester United.

This photo needs another crown. Photo: Tom Jenkins and the Observer

The ecstatic fans and the even more giddy owner whose name we will all finally have to learn how to pronounce, have spent the best day in Leicester’s recorded history. A true win in modern football, over modern football. 

Olimpijski komitet Srbije, uručio je danas nagrade najzaslužnijim sportistima, tokom dana proslave Komiteta. Godišnje nagrade najboljima, predate su po dvadeset i drugi put. 

Šampioni u svemu. Foto: Nenad Negovanović.

The Serbian Olympic Committee has named the best athletes of the year. One of the three categories carries the name of the Serbian Water polo National Team for the record eleventh time. 

Košarkaški klub Crvena zvezda Telekom, dovodi novo pojačanje. Poslednji u nizu “zvezdinih stranaca” je dvadesettrogodišnji Kvinsi Miler. Rođen u Čikagu, 206cm visoki krilni igrač, dosadašnju karijeru je proveo u Sjedinjenim Državama.

BC Red Star Telekom is bringing in a new player. The last of this year’s new faces is Quincy Miller. The Chicago born, twenty two year-old, has shown great potential ever since High School, and has spent a decade playing in the States. The first significant team he formed part of, was that of Baylor University, where he was named Freshman of the Year, in his first season.

Danas je u košarkaškim klubovima širom evrope, medijski dan. Veliki broj evroligaša, ovaj ponedeljak je iskoristilo za predstavljanje svojih novih timova, opreme i druženje sa medijima.

Today was BC Red Star’s media day. As most of the other Euroleaguers, the Belgrade red and whites have taken advantage of this day to present their new first team, a new kit, and have spent time surrounded by the press.

Photo: KK Crvena zvezda. All rights reserved.
Photo: KK Crvena zvezda. 

Nakon prvog dela dvomeča u Ligi Evrope između Sampdorije i Vojvodine, rezultat je 4-0 u korist srpskog kluba!

Tim Zlatomira Zagorčića ostvario je jednu od najznačajnijih pobeda u novijoj klupskoj istoriji, ostvarivši izuzetno ubedljivu pobedu protiv favorizovanog protivnika. Njihova složna igra u napadu i snažna odbrana, omogućili su ovaj izuzetni rezultat. Nakon 94 minuta igre, “Lale” su ubeležile četiri pogotka, i to:

Mirko Ivanić u 4. minutu, Aleksandar Stanisavljević u 49. minutu, i briljantni Ognjen Ožegović u 58., i 91. minutu, u okviru sudijske nadoknade. Poslednjim, zaista veoma lepim golom, samo je “zacementirao” prednost svoje ekipe, ostavljajući neznatne šanse italijanima za prolazak dalje.

Revanš meč se očekuje naredne subote, na stadionu “Karađorđe”, a publiku svakako očekuje nezapamćeni spektakl.

After the first leg of the Europa League match between Sampdoria, as the host, and Vojvodina, the result is 0-4 in favor of the Serbian team!

The players of Zlatomir Zagorčić have managed to write in one of the most important victories in the recent club history, against the Italians, that were considered as strong favorites. After 94 minutes of play, the goal scorers were Mirko Ivanić (4′), Aleksandar Stanisavljević (49′), and the brilliant Ognjen Ožegović, (58′, 91′).

The rematch is expected to be played next weekend, most likely on Saturday, at the “Karađorđe” stadium. The crowd is in its full right to expect a show to remember.