Top 8 – parovi
Nakon odigranih 30 kola regularnog toka Evrolige, poznati su svi učesnici Top 8 faze. Crvena zvezda MTS nije jedan od njih.
Nakon odigranih 30 kola regularnog toka Evrolige, poznati su svi učesnici Top 8 faze. Crvena zvezda MTS nije jedan od njih.
Crvena zvezda Telekom, izgubila je večeras i treću utakmicu protiv moskovskog CSKA u okviru Top 8 faze Evrolige. Poraz rezultatom 71:78, označio je i kraj učešća crveno-belih u Evroligi. Odličan početak, bio je u kontrastu sa nešto slabijom završnicom, koja ipak nije umanjila ukupni učinak srpske ekipe, znatno skromnijeg budžeta.
Despite an early lead and an active result throughout the match, Red Star lost their final Top 8 match against Moscow’s CSKA, ending their Euroleague series for the season. A strong game from the team lead by coach Dejan Radonjić wasn’t easily overshadowed by Euroleague’s richest squad, as the final result was 78:71 for CSKA.
Košarkaši Crvene zvezde Telekom, nisu uspeli da dođu do izjednačujućeg rezultata u duelu sa CSKA. Uprkos prednosti i kvalitetnoj igri, crveno-beli su u poslednjih 90 sekundi izgubili sa 76:77. Moskovljani sada vode sa 2:0, pred ključni susret u Beogradu.
Red Star loses a genuine chance for an equaliser. In a tense match, the final score was decided only in the last 90 seconds, as CSKA Moscow wins by only a point (77:76), before a very heated away game in Belgrade on Monday.
CSKA je savladao Crvenu zvezdu Telekom, rezultatom 84:74, u prvoj četvrtfinalnoj utakmici Top 8 faze Evrolige. Uprkos aktivnom rezultatu tokom više od 35 minuta igre, ekipa Dejana Radonjića nije uspela da napravi i poslednji korak ka neophodnoj pobedi. Miloš Teodosić, apsolutno briljirao na terenu.
CSKA Moscow managed to land their first win in the quarterfinal series against the very motivated Red Star. Despite an active score all the way to the very end of the match, CSKA turned out to make that one step further, necessary for an important Top 8 win. A total score of 84:74 was mostly provided thanks to a stunning performance by Serbia’s Miloš Teodosić who landed a total of 24 points. All is now ready for their second match, which is to be played on Thursday.
Crvena zvezda Telekom, dobila je ime svog prvog protivnika Top 8 faze Evrolige. Reč je o moskovskom CSKA, koji u Beograd stiže predvođen kapitenom Milošem Teodosićem. Ovakvo stanje na tabeli, usledilo je nakon pobede Barselone nad Žalgirisom.
Barça’s win against Zalgiris Kaunas means that CSKA Moscow is to play against Red Star Belgrade, while cutting Olympiacos off from the Euroleague Top 8, for the first time in the past decade. A total of three matches will be played between the Serbian and Russian team, starting May 12th.
Uprkos iznenađujućem porazu od Darušafake, Crvena zvezda Telekom plasirala se u Top 8 fazu Evrolige. Naime, zahvaljujući prethodnim rezultatima iz grupe, ishod meča Fenerbahče – Efes, odlučivao je o daljoj sudbini crveno-belih. Pobeda Fenerbahčea od 90:86, omogućila je Beograđanima put u narednu fazu takmičenja.
After a shocking defeat against Darussafaka, Red Star was left waiting for their faith to be decided in the match between Fenerbahce and Efes. Due to the prior scores of the group, Fener winning meant that the Red and Whites would get their Top 8 ticket. Which is exactly what happened. Fenerbahce has won by 90:86.
Crvena zvezda Telekom, napravila je večeras pravi preokret protiv ekipe Unikahe. Od naizgled izgubljene utakmice, crveno-beli su se potpuno vratili u igru i upisali izuzetno važnu evroligašku pobedu od 78:72. Istorijski prolazak u Top 8, na dohvat je ruke.
Red Star makes a complete 180, as they leave Malaga with a win against Unicaja. Despite a poor impact in the first half, a change of moral and a strong shooting pace from Marko Simonović, Stefan Jović and Marko Gudurić brings another win to the Belgrade team, as they can almost taste the next stage. The final score was marked at 78:72, and only one win stands between the Serbs and the Top 8.
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