Srbija je poražena u finalu Svetskog juniorskog prvenstva (10-12) u Buenos Ajresu, čime je Mađarska odbranila šampionsku titulu. Mladi Delfini su hrabro izborili preokret, ali ih novo najsjajnije odličje očekuje na nekoj drugoj velikoj pozornici.

Foto: Screenshot, Youtube

Juniorska reprezentacija Srbije šampion je Evropskog prvenstva! Naša budućnost savladala je Španiju (81:71) u prepunom Čairu.

Juniori šampioni Evrope
Foto: FIBA

Team Serbia are the new European champions dethroning Spain (81:71)in front of a roaring home crowd in Niš, for a beautiful insight into a bright future, featuring Topić as the MVP.

Serbia’s young players are the new U18 European Champions. They beat Spain by 74:62 in Bratislava. A tournament that has fully confirmed their domination and potential.

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Source: Printscreen YT

Aside from the best possible outcome for the team, Serbia also has an individual title. Nikola Mišković is the tournament MVP.