Zvezda je savladala Valensiju (106:90) u meču koji nije delovao obećavajuće. Ekipa Dušana Alimpijevića je uspela da preokrene situaciju u drugom poluvremenu i upiše ubedljivu pobedu, za potencijalni spas od ispadanja iz ovosezonske Evrolige.

Zvezda Valensija
Foto: Crvena zvezda MTS

One of water polo’s most beloved pairings has officially retired from the National Team. Slobodan Nikić and teammate Živko Gocić have played their last match as Dolphins at the Tašmajdan pool in Belgrade, Serbia.

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Nikić (left) and Gocić (right), enjoying their seats. Photo: J.L.

We are all used to seeing Juan Mata doing some sweet moves on the field, but these few weeks have shown that he is also good at answering a fun challenge. Or two. As we all remember, he has already done the blindfolded free kicks.
Mara is now ready to show us more in this quick video that was uploaded to his channel. This time, from a basketball pitch. See how he has done.

Evo šta se desi kada španski vezista Huan Mata reši da fudbalsku mrežu, zameni košarkaškom.

Nakon 93 odigrana minuta u beloruskom Borisovu, rezultat je 1-0 u korist domaćina. Revanš u sredu.

After 93 minutes played in Belarus, BATE wins by 1-0 in the final stage before the beginning of the Champions League.

Dear all,

This is my first week of trying to do a “serious” blog. As some of you may already know, my social media experiences have been extensive, but the topics have always managed to vary. With this blog, I have decided to try and do it in another way. As you have undoubtedly noticed, this is in fact a sports blog. And it’s something I’m very passionate about. So, the goal is to continue the road of having only one main topic, and develop from there. Develop this story, as all of the other news and stories around me do. And to any of you that might still be reading this… Thank you. Because without someone actually reading, and reacting to what I write, there is not much point for me doing this in the first place. So I’m grateful to everyone helping me to build onto my dream.

As we go from here, and as I develop as much as possible on this platform, there will definitely be some interesting additions, new pages and features, and hopefully more reasons for you to bear with me, and maybe get interested in another new field, or two.

So, let’s just continue, and see what happens next.

Dragi svi,

Ovo je moja prva nedelja pokušavanja da vodim “ozbiljan” blog. Kao što neki od vas možda i znaju, moje iskustvo na društvenim mrežama je veliko, ali uvek je na njima uspelo da se potkrade brdo tema i odvrati me od glavne poente. Sa ovim blogom sam odlučila da pokušam da uradim nešto drugačije. Kao što ste bez sumnje mogli da primetite, ova je stranica posvećena sportu. Elementu koji mi je veoma drag. Stoga je cilj da nastavim putem ove glavne teme, i dalje se razvijam odatle. Razvijajući svoju priču, kroz sve ostale vesti oko sebe. U slučaju da ste nastavili da čitate, hvala vam. Jer bez onih koji čitaju ono što pišem, i na to reaguju, nema previše svrhe mog rada. Zato sam zahvalna svima koji mi pomažu da dalje izgradim svoj san.

Kako se budemo kretali napred, i ja se razvijala na ovoj platformi, bez sumnje će biti novih zanimljivih sadržaja, u vidu stvaranja novih stranica na blogu, specijala, i nadam se još razloga da ostanete uz mene i ove tekstove… A možda se zainteresujete za još neku novu oblast.

Tako da, hajde da nastavimo istim tempom i vidimo šta nas to dalje lepo čeka.


Inspiration this time, coming all the way from Thailand.

Improvizovani fudbalski teren, na dokovima dalekog Tajlanda.

Source: Web