Delfini otvorili SP remijem
Delfini su noćas odigrali svoj prvi meč na Svetskom prvenstvu u Južnoj Koreji i remizirali (10:10) protiv selekcije Crne Gore.

Delfini su noćas odigrali svoj prvi meč na Svetskom prvenstvu u Južnoj Koreji i remizirali (10:10) protiv selekcije Crne Gore.
The normally quiet world of water polo was shaken up by the events at the Vojvodina – Zvezda match. The main ref was shoved into the pool by an aggravated home fan.
Another Dolphin turns 30. Andrija Prlainović was born in the coastal town of Herceg Novi. Having loved sports since childhood, Prlainović ended up in water polo, as so many others living by the sea.
Nevertheless, he turned out very differently. Our favorite Eleven is the owner of some 40 team medals, and individual awards. The one shining the brightest is undoubtedly the Olympic gold.…
Srpski Delfini, savladali su selekciju Nemačke sa ubedljivih 20:3. Uprkos odsustvu nekih od ključnih golgetera, podmlađena ekipa Dejana Savića, ruinirala je goste, pokazujući spremnost za nastavak odbrane Svetske lige.
Serbia keeps on the winning pace in the pool. In the Water Polo World League round 5, they beat Germany by 20:3. An absolutely fantastic score that shows off all of team Serbia’s best features.…
Svet domaćeg vaterpola potresa ozbiljna finansijska kriza u VK Partizan. Stanje koje sa pauzama traje poslednjih pet godina, doživljava kulminaciju. Nakon igrača koji su grejanje bazena dobili tek zahvaljujući angažovanju roditelja, usledili su zvanični apeli u vezi sa funkcionisanjem čitavog kluba.
Poslednji dan Stare godine, poznat je kao dan za rezimiranje, rekapitulaciju iz prethodnih 365. Sport nam je tokom 2016. godine dao mnogo razloga za veselje. Olimpijci, mladi fudbaleri, košarkaši, vaterpolisti…
The last day of the current year is always destinated to recaps of the part 365. Sport has given us so many reasons to be happy. Football, basketball, the Olympics. For Serbia, that obviously had to be water polo, which definitely marked the year 2016.…
One of water polo’s most beloved pairings has officially retired from the National Team. Slobodan Nikić and teammate Živko Gocić have played their last match as Dolphins at the Tašmajdan pool in Belgrade, Serbia.
The always necessary daily dose of inspiration. To me, it is these boys. Serbia’s waterpolo National Team. Aside from athletic inspiration, the Dolphins represent an example of commitment, dedication and hard work that really does pay off.
I took this image last winter, on the European Championship, played right here in Belgrade. On which, Serbia won… You’ve guessed it, gold.
Vaterpolisti Srbije krenuli su u novi pohod na Svetsku ligu. Desetostruki šampioni ovog takmičenja, u prvom preliminarnom meču su se suočili sa reprezentacijom Rumunije. O pobedi u Kragujevcu (19:8) nije bilo dileme.
Serbia’s National Team has started strong into their defense of the World League title. The new Olympic cycle means various new names in the pool, but very little factual changes in the Dolphins’ playing style. A convincing win of 19:8.
Vaterpolo klub Crvena zvezda predstavljao je simbol preporoda srpskog klupskog sporta. Međutim, crveno-beli su zbog lošeg finansijskog stanja bili prinuđeni da napuste Beograd u potrazi za novim i povoljnijim ,,domaćim” terenom.
Red Star’s water polo team has moved from their Belgrade HQ. Due to a huge financial tole the club has been facing in the past three years, the Champions of 2013 have moved their “home court” to the city of Zrenjanin, about 80km away from the country’s capital. This set of events is only the last one to show the truly devastating condition of Serbia’s most prized sport. With a reminder that it is the home of the Olympic Champions.
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