KK Crvena zvezda Telekom, ostvario je ključnu pobedu za ostanak u Evropi! Snažna odbrana i pogoci sa linije za 6,75 obezbedili su trijumf ekipi Dejana Radonjića. Borba do poslednjeg sudijskog zvižduka i rezultat od 79:90 vraćaju nadu navijačima. Simonović precizan, Jović postavio rekord Evrolige.

Foto: Starsport.
Foto: Starsport.

Both Novak Đoković and Jelena Janković have won their  second consecutive finals in China. Two trophies in two weeks for the fantastic Serbs. 

Photo: AP + edit.
Photo: AP + edit.

Nakon odigranih 96 minuta, okončan je i 149. “Večiti derbi”. Ovaj put, pobeda je pripala domaćinu, Crvenoj zvezdi, uz tri postignuta gola iz igre. Na poluvremenu, 1-1.

Sever. Foto: J.L.
Sever. Foto: J.L.

Konačni rezultat je bio 3-1, a strelci: Ugo Viejra, u 27. i 50. minutu, te Aleksandar Karai, u 55. minutu, za pravi delirijum na tribinama stadiona “Rajko Mitić”. Počasni pogodak, još na prvom poluvremenu, postigao je Alen Stevanović (45′), nakon dobrog pasa Stefana Babovića, te katastrofalne greške golmana Damira Kahrimana.

Serbia continues their winning streak. A third win, in as many games of the Eurobasket, after a day of break. The players of coach Aleksandar Đorđević have beat a very lively Iceland, by 93-64. The European Championship debutantes refused to give up, even  when was no doubt about Serbia’s victory. Their fast paced style and an excellent 3 point scoring rate, have managed to get them the respect of all the rivals, and fans.

Ognjen Kuzmić performed very well today. Photo: Starsport. All rights reserved.
Ognjen Kuzmić performed very well today. Photo: Starsport

After Serbia’s fantastic win over Spain (80-70), here are some of the best moves we had the chance to see, this afternoon. Truly worth watching again. All of this is part of a Eurobasket special, that will showcase the best and most interesting elements that European basketball has to offer, during this championship.

Nakon fantastične pobede Srbije nad selekcijom Španije, sledi podsećanje na neke od najlepših poteza utakmice, koje svakako vredi ponovo pogledati.

Después de una increíble victoria de Serbia contra España, aquí están los mejores momentos del partido.

One of Manchester United’s all time favorites, Dimitar Berbatov, has become a part of the Greek FC. PAOK during this summer. The charismatic Bulgarian represents one of the biggest new forces of the Greek Superleague. After the signing, he has been welcomed to the club, by an official presentation, in which thousands of very eager fans have come to see the black and white’s new #10

Photo: PAOK
Photo: PAOK

Another victory of a true champion. Usain Bolt wins gold at his favorite, 100m run in the Beijing World Championship. Another proof of absolute dominance over the rest of the world.

(In the commentary, an ecstatic Duško Korać: There is a God! This is a victory of sports over pharmaceuticals. This a victory of sports, over frauds… 

The second video is a full version of the competition segment, in Russian.)

Još jedno zlato za Bolta. Ponovna potvrda dominacije nad ostatkom sveta, na Šampionatu u Pekingu. I očekivano oduševljeni Duško Korać. 🙂

Jusein Bolt je postigao vreme od 9,79. Svakako ne njegov najbolji rezultat, ali dovoljno dobar da ponovo pokori sve ostale.

Još jedno lepo podsećanje… Na ONAJ govor. Ovako se stvaraju šampioni.

(One of many incredible speeches, by the now former U20 team coach, Veljko Paunovic, during the Mundialito in New Zealand. You were born for this!)