Video: Bernabeu applauds Iniesta

Una ovación muy bien merecida para Andrés Iniesta.

Very few players had what it took to be shown respect at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium. In fact, only three were recorded in recent football history to have received a standing ovation. Diego Maradona, Ronaldinho, and on various occasions Andrés Iniesta.

The dedicated player of both the Spanish National team and FC Barcelona, Real’s sworn enemy has gotten his bit of the ovation during today’s El Clásico.
In a match that left the hosts with four goals in their net, showing a complete domination by the red and blues, some of the home fans couldn’t avoid honoring to an amazing player, on and off court.

Malo je igrača u istoriji dobilo poštovanje publike sa stadiona Santijago Bernabeu. Pored mitskog Maradone i Ronaldinja, elitnom društvu se ponovo pridružio Andres Iniesta, kome su domaći navijači aplaudirali, tokom izmene, iako je upravo on bio jedan od strelaca ukupno četiri gola koja su se u popodnevnim časovima našli u mreži Reala.

Pristojnost i maksimalno zalaganje na terenu, učinili su da Iniesta dobije svojevrsnu ovaciju, čak i tokom El Klasika.