Kapiten KK Crvena zvezda, Luka Mitrović, produžio je danas ugovor na još dodatnih godinu dana. Dvadesetdvogodišnji krilni centar crveno-belih je imao još jednu sezonu ugovorene saradnje, period koji je upravo udvostručio, dokazujući svoju posvećenost ekipi, uprkos činjenici da je letos draftovan od strane Filadelfije.
BC Red Star’s captain, Luka Mitrović, has further prolonged his contract. The 22 year-old captain who has already had a contract signed for the upcoming season, has decided to stay with the Belgrade red and whites, until 2017. Despite the fact that he was drafted by the Philadelphia Pelicans, earlier this year.
Mitrović je u prethodnoj sezoni ostvario odlične rezultate, kako na timskom, tako i na individualnom nivou. Kao kapiten je podigao tri pehara, Kup Radivoja Koraća, trofej ABA Lige, te Super lige Srbije. Osvojio je nagradu za najkorisnijeg igrača, ovogodišnjeg Kupa Koraća, a kapitensku traku je po prvi put stavio sa samo dvadeset i jednom godinom. Kao vođa ekipe, pomogao je ponovnom ulasku crveno-belih u Evroligu, te napretku do Top 16 faze, u kojoj je zabeležio učinak od 8,6 poena, 5 skokova i 2,3 asistencije, uz indeks korisnosti od 9,7, po utakmici.
U ABA Ligi, je za prosečnih 23,9 minuta na utakmici, zaslužan za 9,9 poena, 5,9 skokova, 2,2 asistencije, te indeks korisnosti od 13,2.
U proteklih godinu dana, poboljšao je svoje kretanje na terenu, učinak sa linije za 6,75, te broj pogođenih slobodnih bacanja. Statistički uspeh se odrazio i na njegovo samopouzdanje u mečevima, te će i u predstojećoj sezoni nesumnjivo biti jedan od glavnih nosilaca igre.
The young power forward became captain, when he was only 21, and helped Red Star enter their second consecutive Euroleague, reaching the Top 16 phase, during the 2014/2015 season. As captain, he lifted the long desired treble: the Radivoj Korać Cup, the ABA League, and the Serbian Super League. He also improved on an individual level, by receiving the MVP title of the Korać Cup, and the MVP status in numerous matches, both Serbian and international.
His performance in the Euroleague is that of: 8,6 points, 5,3 rebounds, and 2,3 assists, with a PIR of 9,7. While in the Adriatic, ABA League, he scored 9,9 points, with 5,9 rebounds, 2,2 assists and a PIR of 13,2.
In the past year, he has vastly improved his presence on the court, his performance from the 6,75 line, and the percentage of free throws. All of the aspects that allowed him to show more confidence in his game, representing an undoubtable asset for coach Dejan Radonjić, in the upcoming season.