SRB – FIN (94-81)

Serbia is in the Quarterfinals of the Eurobasket, after beating a very bold Finland, by 94-81. In their first game at the Pierre Mauroy stadium, the players of coach Aleksandar Đorđević have fought their ways through the Eight-finals. A six out of six score so for team Serbia.

Košarkaška reprezentacija Srbije, uspela je danas da pobedi razigranu Finsku, i plasira se u četvrtfinale Eurobasketa. Veoma nezgodni protivnik, držao je nezivesnost do četvrte četvrtine, u kojoj su se izabranici selektora Aleksandra Đorđevića “odlepili”, sve do maksimalne prednosti od +19 poena.

Najistaknutiji igrač utakmice, bez imalo sumnje bio je Miroslav Raduljica, sa čak 27 ubačenih poena.

Snažni srpski centar je umnogome doprineo pobedi svojom stabilnošću i efikasnom učinku u reketu, čak i u momentima kada su “Orlovi” gubili od neustrašivog protivnika. Finci nisu imali šta da izgube, a to su i pokazali na parketu stadiona Pjer Moroj. Ipak, bravure Miloša Teodosića i Nemanje Bjelice, uz trojke Simonovića i Ercega, eliminisale su sumnje o pobedniku ovog meča.

The match started off with a very fast pace, and a very good three point scores by Serbia, after which their game has died down, allowing Finland to lift their advantage by strong points, and an obvious knowledge of the opponent’s playing style. Finland had nothing to lose, and a lot to prove, which was obvious in their aggressive run throughs, and fast throws, more characteristic for street play, than a European Championship. Jamar Wilson represented a great part of Finland’s aces, during most of the match, alongside Sasu Salin, who scored 26 points.

Miroslav Raduljica was able to score from the key area, when it was needed most. A total of 27 points for the rugged center. As the throws weren’t Serbia’s strongest weapon, during most of the match, the centers were key for today’s victory. The fourth quarter was the interval in which Serbia finally managed to impose their tempo, and increase the result difference up to +19 points, against a still feisty Finland. Three points by Bjelica and Simonović  were a proof that this Eurobasket was over for an undoubtedly brave and creative Finland.

Serbia is now off to a well deserved rest, and is playing the Czech Republic on Wednesday night. The Czech, lead by Jan Vesely, have easily beat Croatia by 80:59, earlier today. A defeat which has lead Velimir Perasović, to resign from the position of Croatia’s coach.

On another note, Serbia will definitely have to find a way to keep a precise aim against future opponents, especially considering their high ambitions for this competition.