Red Star defends the Adriatic title

Crvena zvezda Telekom, odbranila je titulu šampiona regionalne ABA lige. Rezultatom 61:49, ukupno 3:0 u seriji, savladana je perspektivna Mega. Na gostovanju u Sremskoj Mitrovici, ekipa Dejana Radonjića istakla se svojim iskustvom i manjim brojem grešaka na terenu.

Photo: Starsport, edit

Red Star keeps their ABA League trophy by beating an undoubtedly enthusiastic opponent, Mega Leks of Sremska Mitrovica. On their third playoff match, this time away from the home court of the Pionir Hall, the Red and Whites have beat the brightly coloured Mega, by  61:49, for a total of 3:0 in the series. The trophy was lifted by Zvezda’s two captains, Branko Lazić and Luka Mitrović who was away most of the season, due to a knee injury.

Kapiten KK Crvena zvezda, Luka Mitrović, produžio je danas ugovor na još dodatnih godinu dana. Dvadesetdvogodišnji krilni centar crveno-belih je imao još jednu sezonu ugovorene saradnje, period koji je upravo udvostručio, dokazujući svoju posvećenost ekipi, uprkos činjenici da je letos draftovan od strane Filadelfije.

BC Red Star’s captain, Luka Mitrović, has further prolonged his contract. The 22 year-old captain who has already had a contract signed for the upcoming season, has decided to stay with the Belgrade red and whites, until 2017. Despite the fact that he was drafted by the Philadelphia Pelicans, earlier this year.

Šampion Srbije se nesumnjivo priprema za početak nove sezone. Centarska linija će biti maksimalno ojačana. Najnoviji dodatak odbrani ekipe s Malog Kalemegdana je Stefan Nastić, nekada igrač američkog Stenforda, učesnik ovogodišnje letnje lige i član mladih selekcija reprezentacije Srbije.

Stefan Nastić is the latest player of BC Red Star. This way the central line of the team is definitely going to be full, considering that the red and whites already have Maik Zirbes, from last season and Sofoklis Schortsanitis, that will be joining the team at the end of the month.