Delfini kao i uvek
Srpski Delfini, savladali su selekciju Nemačke sa ubedljivih 20:3. Uprkos odsustvu nekih od ključnih golgetera, podmlađena ekipa Dejana Savića, ruinirala je goste, pokazujući spremnost za nastavak odbrane Svetske lige.

Serbia keeps on the winning pace in the pool. In the Water Polo World League round 5, they beat Germany by 20:3. An absolutely fantastic score that shows off all of team Serbia’s best features.
Despite some of their key players (Filipović, Mitrović) being out due to injuries, and replaced by young bloods such as Lazić and Ubović, the machine was functioning perfectly.
Not only did coach Dejan Savić keep up the previous pace, but has laid down the gauntlet for this new competitive cycle. The Dolphins will be continuing their defense of the World League in a month (against Slovakia), with the final tournament being held in June.