A true Champion

Last night, New Zealand became rugby World champion, while fans of sport across the globe have gotten themselves another sweetheart. Sonny Williams, the tall, strong and tattooed pivot of New Zealand’s National Team has also become a hero off the playing field.

The hero of the evening. Photo: BPI/REX Shutterstock.
The hero of the evening.
Photo: BPI/REX Shutterstock.

As the trophy ceremony was over and the players were celebrating with their medals on, a boy named Charlie Lines ran into the pitch in order to meet his idols.
The running around went on, considering there was a team of security guards, trying to tackle him. As he was on the ground, the players made sure he wouldn’t be getting the usual “fan invader” treatment of being dragged off the field.

Then Williams approached him, walked him off to his family and to the surprise of everyone present, gave the ecstatic boy his gold medal!

The former boxer and a very important member of the All Blacks, became an absolute hero, as the video of his incredible gesture is turning out to be quite a sensation.
 If that was a younger brother or cousin I would have given the security guard a hiding. But I just picked the kid up and took him back to his old lady and tried to make the night more memorable for him. Better (for the medal) to be hanging around his neck than mine. -concluded SBW

After it was all over, this is what he wrote on his Twitter profile:

There is no doubt that there are still a few heroes left in the world of sport, willing to make someone’s  day even better.
Soni Vilijams, postao je heroj i van terena. Visoki i tetovirani pivot novozelandske ragbi reprezentacije, ulepšao je dan četrnaestogodišnjem Čarliju, koji je nakon dodele medalja utrčao u teren, kako bi pozdravio svoje heroje.

Photo: Getty images.
Photo: Getty images.
Ol Bleksi su se postarali da dečaka ne zadesi uobičajna sudbina obožavalaca koji uleću na teren, nakon čega je bio uzet u zaštitu od strane jednog od najboljih igrača utakmice, inače bivšeg boksera. Vilijams ga je otpratio do roditelja, poklonivši mu svoju zlatnu medalju.

“Bolje je da ta medalja visi oko njegovog vrata, nego meni na zidu.” -zaključio je junak večeri.

Dokaz da ipak ima sportista voljnih da nekome dodatno ulepšaju dan. 🙂