Boban Marjanović, verovatno najvoljeniji srpski centar u poslednjih nekoliko godina, doživeo je svoj prvi debi u NBA ligi. U utakmici između njegovih Sparsa i Netsa, Bobi je postigao šest poena, uz 2/2 sa linije slobodnih bacanja i 2/5 iz igre. Prvi poen je upravo došao iz slobodnog bacanja, samo tridesetak sekundi nakon izlaska na teren.
Popularni Bobinator, čiji se nadimak preneo sve do Amerike, stekao je simpatije publike i poštovanje saigrača. Odličan start sezone koja je pred nama.
Boban Marjanović, probably the most loved Serbian basketball center in the past few years, has made his official NBA debut in last night’s game between the Nets and the Spurs. In his 5 minutes on court he has scored 6 points, 2/2 from the free throws, and 2/5 from the actual game sequences.
His first point in the NBA was in fact a free throw.
With his strong attitude on court, he has gained the respect of both the audience and his teammates, becoming the absolute crowd favorite of the evening. A great start of the season for the Bobinator.