SRB – MNE (11-8)

Vaterpolo reprezentacija Srbije ostvarila je prvu pobedu na Svetskom prvenstvu u Kazanju, rezultatom 11-8.

Delfini su u premijernom meču D grupe “potopili” Crnu Goru, jednog od najvećih konkurenata za osvajanje svetske titule. Igrači selektora Dejana Savića pokazali su stabilnost i odlučnost tokom čitave utakmice, uz iskorišćavanje prilika sa igračem više.

Naredna utakmica Srbiju čeka 29. jula, protiv selekcije Japana, dok ih dva dana kasnije očekuje susret sa Australijom.

The Serbian water polo team has won in their first match in this year’s World Championship, as part of the group D,  against one of their biggest competitors, Montenegro.

The Dolphins won by 11-8 in a game where they showcased stability and determination, as well as the capacity to take advantage of the “extra man” situation in the offensive. 

Serbia’s next game will be on June 29th, against Japan, while they will be playing against Australia on the 31st.