Some of you will know of Haka as a traditional Maori phenomenon, that used to be performed before battles, or as part of celebrations and other important events. 

Source: Web.

Iako nas asocira na ragbi mečeve i fenomenalne nastupe Ol Bleksa, ova haka je izvedena daleko od bilo kog sportskog terena. Jedno venčanje u Oklendu, uveličano je svojevrsnim spektakularnim plesom koji su predvodili mladoženjin stariji brat i kum. Simboličnom ujedinjenju dveju porodica, pridružila se i oduševljena nevesta.

Last night, New Zealand became rugby World champion, while fans of sport across the globe have gotten themselves another sweetheart. Sonny Williams, the tall, strong and tattooed pivot of New Zealand’s National Team has also become a hero off the playing field.

The hero of the evening. Photo: BPI/REX Shutterstock.
The hero of the evening.
Photo: BPI/REX Shutterstock.