Pro Recco won their third consecutive Champions League trophy! This century record holders won their second consecutive final against Novi Beograd. Tonight’s score of 14:11 speaks physical and psychological preparation that gave Recco a leg up throughout the F8 tournament. The players all agree: “There is no ego in the team”.

Recco Champions League
Photo: J.L / SidelineSRB

Partizan beats Olympiacos (90:75) in front of a record-breaking home crowd. Europe’s big names keep falling in the Belgrade Arena, as the Black and Whites slowly but surely approach the Euroleague Top 8.

Partizan vs Olympiacos Euroleague
Photo: J.L. / SIDELINESRB (shot on a potato)

Partizan beats Alba (88:74) in Euroleague R26 played in Belgrade, with the third quarter being key. Supporting their squad’s fight for the playoffs, the loud and proud fans that: “Make watching Partizan a mater of prestige”, as per coach Željko Obradović, are returning home happy.

Partizan Alba R26 Euroleague
Photo: J.L. /Sidelinesrb

Fenerbache beats Partizan at the Štark Arena (94:97) in front of the traditionally loud Belgrade fans. In true derby fashion it was a close tie until the final ten minutes when Fener shot up through the offensive efforts of former Red Star tiebreaker Marko Gudurić.

Partizan has dismantled Asvel at the Belgrade Arena. The Black and White side was convincing from the very start, showing especially good form in the 3rd quarter to secure a 92:71 win. 

Partizan vs Asvel, R22 Euroleague
Photo: J.L.

Novak Đoković wins his 10th Aussie Open title for a total of 22 Grand Slams. His tearful celebration was followed by the entire freedom loving world. Melbourne is the land of Đoković.

Novak Australian Open 22
The 10th kiss. Photo: Australian Open

I wish you all a Happy New Year! May your 2023 be filled with health, love and light. May it be peaceful and inspirational. May you live, instead of simply surviving. Once again, we’ve made it, darlings. Onwards and upwards! Through new chapters, sporting and life adventures.

Thank you for supporting my work and my ideas for making the media space a better, healthier one.

All my love,


New Year 2023
Photo of J.L. 🙂

Najdraži moji, neka nam je srećna Nova godina! Ovu 2022. smo preživeli, a želim da 2023. više živimo. Neka vam 2023. bude ispunjena zdravljem, ljubavlju, mirom i inspiracijom u svemu što radite. Budite dobri prema sebi i drugima. Idemo jako – u nove mečeve i avanture, uz staro, dobro #loženje na klubove i reprezentaciju.

Hvala vam na podršci koju pružate mome radu i mojim idejama za pretvaranje medijskog prostora u nešto bolje, lepše i zdravije. Sve ovo postoji zbog vas.

Voli vas Jelena.

After a tense World Cup final, absolutely worthy of the occasion, Argentina ousted France after penalties. A cycle is complete. Han ganado los pibes!

The final result of 3-3 brought in sufficient excitement for all of us outside the conflict. To us it wasn’t a matter of life and death. However it did feel that majority of the football-loving world was supporting Argentina. The country that truly lives for football that is now shaking with excitement and happiness for their National Team.

Look no further. Breaking News continues on Instagram and my Twitter, while longer content and columns will be up here, as you’re all used to.

Qatar World Cup
The 974 Stadium will now be dismantled. Photo: Web

It’s now zero pressure to watch the World Cup from Serbia… If you know what I mean. Watching football for the simple sake of the game offers a very special charm. The kind in which you can relax with you favorite snack and enjoy seeing the ball rolling.

Today’s matches featured: Croatia beating Japan after penalties and Brazil ousting South Korea (4-1).

Serbia loses to Brazil 0:2 at their opening match, for a temporary break in the country’s World Cup euphoria.

Brazil v Serbia
Photo: FIFA, via the World Cup

The squad of Dragan Stojković was confident and compact, keeping the first halftime a goal-free zone, against Brazil’s shot after shot.Unfortunately, Serbia dropped the ball in the second half. Instead of showcasing their style, they proceded to lose themselves in the final 25 minutes. This was a match that wouldn’t determine anything, but that could seriously affect the energy for their upcoming performances.