Poslednji dan Stare godine, poznat je kao dan za rezimiranje, rekapitulaciju iz prethodnih 365. Sport nam je tokom 2016. godine dao mnogo razloga za veselje. Olimpijci, mladi fudbaleri, košarkaši, vaterpolisti…
The last day of the current year is always destinated to recaps of the part 365. Sport has given us so many reasons to be happy. Football, basketball, the Olympics. For Serbia, that obviously had to be water polo, which definitely marked the year 2016.
Najveće pobede, iznenađenja (Lester, Island), ogromni porazi, najznačajnija takmičenja i povremeni rezultati od 0:0, svojevrsna su kombinacija, koja je prošarala godinu na izmaku. Zlatna tura vaterpolista, olimpijsko košarkaško srebro, rvačko zlato i atletska bronza…
Za nekoliko sati, čeka nas novi početak.
Želim vam mnogo zdravlja, sreće, ljubavi, love, uspeha u malim i velikim poduhvatima… I pobeda vašeg omiljenog kluba. Do god navijamo za iste 😉
Hvala na svim praćenjima, lajkovima, šerovima tekstova… Ovom blogu u 2017. želim da ih bude još i više.
Srećna nova godina!
Uživajte u dočeku i čujemo se u novoj godini, sa nekim novim vestima. ❤
The biggest victories, bitter defeats, great competitions and low key 0:0 scores, were mixed together into an amalgam that painted out this current year. When it comes to Serbia, we had quite a ride. From the golden water polo cycle, to the basketball Olympic silver and the U21 football…
In just a few hours, we’ll have a new beginning.
I’m wishing you health, happiness lots of success in all of your big and small endeavours, love, cash and victories of your favorite teams. As long as they’re the same as mine. 😉
Thank you for all the follows, likes, shares and feedback. I’m wishing for this blog to receive many more in 2017, as this story grows.
Happy New Year!
Enjoy this NYE and I’ll see you in the New Year, with some brand new info, news and reports. x