Košarkaški klub Crvena zvezda Telekom, dovodi novo pojačanje. Poslednji u nizu “zvezdinih stranaca” je dvadesettrogodišnji Kvinsi Miler. Rođen u Čikagu, 206cm visoki krilni igrač, dosadašnju karijeru je proveo u Sjedinjenim Državama.
BC Red Star Telekom is bringing in a new player. The last of this year’s new faces is Quincy Miller. The Chicago born, twenty two year-old, has shown great potential ever since High School, and has spent a decade playing in the States. The first significant team he formed part of, was that of Baylor University, where he was named Freshman of the Year, in his first season.
Već u srednjoj školi je iskazivao veliki potencijal, a prva značajna ekipa za koju je zaigrao, deo je Univerziteta Bejlor, Tokom svoje prve godine u timu, izabran je za najboljeg igrača svog uzrasta, sezone 2011/2012.
Naredne sezone, zaigrao je u najjačoj ligi sveta. Izabran je kao 38. pik na draftu i pridružio se Denver Nagetsima. Uprkos solidnoj prvoj sezoni, pozajmljen je Ajovi, gde je zabeležio veći broj poena po utakmici (11, u poređenju sa prethodnih 8). Ubrzo se vraća u Denver, gde učestvuje u Letnjoj ligi, a u sezoni koja je usledila bio je deo prve postave u velikom broju važnih utakmica. Ipak, Nagetsi odbijaju dalju saradnju sa njim, te 2014. prelazi u Rino. Sa Sakramento Kingsima imao je desetodnevnu saradnju, nakon koje se vraća u matični klub.
U februaru ove godine, potpisuje za Detroit Pistonse, dok je u julu trejdovan u Netse, gde je odigrao samo četiri utakmice. Tokom svoje dosadašnje karijere, Kvinsi Miler je proputovao veći deo Istočne obale. Sada će preći čitav okean, kako bi se okušao u Evropi.
Miler može da igra i na poziciji krilnog centra, te će predstavljati više nego neophodnu dopunu ekipi trenera Dejana Radonjića.
The following year, 2012. he decided to venture into the NBA, becoming the 38th pick by the Denver Nuggets. Despite an acceptable first season in the league, he was assigned to the Iowa Energy, where he improved aspects, such as his average points per game (11, in comparison to the prior 8), after which the Nuggets brought him back. He took part in the Summer League, and played various important games in Denver. The year 2014. he was waived and went to play for the Reno Bighorns. He spent ten days playing for the Sacramento Kings. After his short stay in California, he got back to Reno.
In February of this year, he became part of the Detroit Pistons, appearing in only four games. In July, he was traded to the Brooklyn Nets, where he also played four games, this time in the preseason.
During the initial parts of his career, Miller has traveled through most of the East Coast. Now, he will have to cross an entire ocean, to join Belgrade’s Red Star. The team is playing their third consecutive Euroleague, with a squad full of fresh faces. After a tremendous last season, the red and whites are looking to fulfil at least some of those ambitions, once again. Hopefully, Miller will become a vital part of those goals, especially considering the number of injuries the Serbs have had to deal with in the past months. As a forward and potential power forward, Quincy Miller represents a key signing for the team of coach Dejan Radonjić.
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