SRB – SLO (79-70)

An interesting game for Serbia, against Slovenia, as part of the Eurobasket preparations, and an excellent night for Nemanja Bjelica. The Serbian MVP has scored 19 points, with 4 rebounds and an almost perfect score at free throws and 2 and 3 pointers. Another proof that the forward will undoubtedly be on the final roster. 

Alen Omić, Jaka Klobučar and BC Red Star’s Jaka Blažič were noticed, on the host’s side.

The friendly match was played in Kosice, as both teams are finalising their preparation cycle, before the beginning of the European Championship. It was a good opportunity for the coaches, and fans to see the fitness of the players, and their capacity of functioning together.

This evening’s match served as a showcase as to how the team lead by coach Aleksandar Đorđević can overcome a strong defense, materialize  offence strategies and hold down an advantage, as they have during most of the game. The advantage that rose up to double digits in the 3rd quarter.

As the match was coming to a close, the host started rising towards the challenge, equalised the score, a moment in which Serbian team strengthened its focus, allowing themselves to ease into the final stages.

The squad is only a game away from getting its final roster, considering that coach Đorđević will announce the names of the Final 12, upon returning to Belgrade. 


  1. Thanx for the post!

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