Another proof of superiority for the Serbian National team. The players of Aleksandar Đorđević have proven themselves against a potentially complicated rival, with a victory of 91-72. A match in which, Serbia lead by +22 points, by the end of the second quarter.

Reprezentacija Srbije dostiže svoju punu formu. U još jednom najavljenom teškom duelu, došli su do pobede sa 19 poena razlike. Izabranici Aleksandra Đorđevića, dokazali su superiornost u gotovo svim aspektima igre, a budnost plejmejkera i kapitena reprezentacije Miloša Teodosića, dokazala se presudnom razlikom, u četvrtoj uzastopnoj pobedi košarkaša na Evropskom šampionatu. Najkorisniji je Raduljica, sa 20 poena,a standardno odlični Marković, Bjelica, Bogdanović. Prava umetnost na delu.
A sort of a knockdown, from which the Turkish players were not able to recover. An incredible performance by captain Miloš Teodosić, who established a double double of 17 points and 13 assists, and reminded fans around the globe on how much of a difference a class act playmaker can create. Nevertheless, today’s MVP was Miroslav Raduljica, with 20 points, and 6 rebounds.

A series of undoubtedly beautiful moves by the Serbian squad, made sure that there was no doubts when it came to a strong victory. The ambiance was almost as if they were playing on home ground. The loud fans from far and wide have come to Berlin’s Mercedes Benz arena, to support the squad, waving flags, chanting and cheering on the players, after every good move. And there was more than enough to keep each of some 4000 fans busy.
Serbia now has a perfect score, of four wins in as many matches, and is ready to take on the first place in the B group, as the team waits for their next rival on the Eurobasket, the always troublesome Italy.