One of water polo’s most beloved pairings has officially retired from the National Team. Slobodan Nikić and teammate Živko Gocić have played their last match as Dolphins at the Tašmajdan pool in Belgrade, Serbia.

Gocić, the now former team captain has given his title to Filip Filipović after 363 matches for the Serbian National team. While Nikić holds the record in the number of titles (a total of 29), in 354 matches.
The boys will continue to play in the club sphere, but have decided to take a step back from the NT, after completing the golden circle and winning the Olympics.
The champions of absolutely everything, have said their goodbyes and thanks to their teammates, coaches and opponents, during a friendly match against the “Team of the World”, formed by players from different national teams.
The match was full of laughs, interesting moves and a general feeling of good vibes.
To say it was a privilege to watch them play since 2003 would have been an understatement.