A year ago I decided to pour all of my sporting related interests into one, creating this blog. Time did fly by. Entire leagues, cups, and transfer windows amount up to the 365 days that are now behind us. 

Photo: NatGeo

Pre tačno godinu dana (WordPress me je podsetio), rešila sam da svoja sportska i druga srodna interesovanja centralizujem, stvarajući tako ovaj blog. Proletelo je vreme, a sa njim i lige (verovali ili ne, čitava JSL), kupovi, šampionati, prijateljske…

In the past year I’ve learned a lot, from the technical, to the practical. I’ve also had to remind myself quite a bit, while fiddling around with codes, formatting and things of the sort. The year that lies behind has definitely brought all kinds of experiences, including a few professional ones, that gave me further insight into the world where I’m slowly creating my little spot. 

On the other hand, knowing that with every image, article and feature I get to share some sport with the rest of the world, and possibly give you another viewing angle is truly a phenomenal feeling. 

Poza mutna
Photo: Archives

Of course, none of this would be possible without an audience, so thank you for embarking on this journey with me. As I said in the past, I might not be a hundred percent sure as to where all of this will lead, but you guys make it all even more fun.

So as another season is about to begin, with the Olympics being only a few short weeks away and the world’s interest in sport as such continues to rise, fasten your seat belts, cause we’re about to take off.


U proteklih godinu dana, naučila sam mnogo, od tehničkog do praktičnog. A trebalo je i podsetiti se svega i svačega, počevši od petljanja sa kodovima, do formatiranja. Godina koja je za nama, mi je bez imalo sumnje donela najrazličitija iskustva, koja su mi pružila dodatni uvid u svet u kojem polako pravim svoje mesto.

S druge strane, znati da kroz svaku sliku, tekst i slično, imam priliku da podelim doživljaj o sportu sa ostatkom sveta, fenomenalan je osećaj. Naravno, ništa od ovoga ne bi bilo moguće bez publike, stoga vam hvala što putujete sa mnom. Kao što sam i pre govorila, iako nisam sasvim sigurna gde će me sve ovo odvesti, uz vas je ovo putešestvije još zabavnije.

Tako da, uz nove ligaške početke, Olimpijadu od koje nas deli samo nekoliko nedelja, vežite se, polećemo!