After two wins in as many matches against Israel, the Serbian National Team is leaving Tel Aviv more than contented. The players of coach Aleksandar Đorđević were able to prevail in another friendly, showing off good results from their preparation work. The final score was 79-71, in favor of the guests.

A fairly easy win for Serbia against Israel, the host of two friendly matches, as part of the Eurobasket preparation interval. The team lead by coach Aleksandar Đorđević and captain Miloš Teodosić has won by 85-70, in a match with a strong offense and series of easy shots for the guests.

Selektor reprezentacije Srbije, Aleksandar Đorđević, poranio je sa otkrivanjem još dva imena igrača koji neće ići na predstojeći Eurobasket.  Reč je o Luki Mitroviću i Marku Kešelju.

There are two names less for Serbia’s National Team shortlist, at the upcoming Eurobasket. Luka Mitrović and Marko Kešelj are no longer part of the team.

Košarkaška reprezentacija Srbije, trijumfovala je na pripremnom takmičenju, pred početak Eurobasketa. U finalu dvodnevnog Trofeja Beograda, savladali su selekciju Rusije ubedljivim rezultatom, 95:61.

Foto: J.L.
Foto: J.L.

Izabranici Aleksandra Đorđevića na parketu su delovali organizovano, i u punoj formi. Izuzetno bitan podatak, pred veliku evropsku proveru. Najefikasniji igrač bio je Miroslav Raduljica (15p, 4sk), dok je kapiten Miloš Teodosić (12 p, 7 sk, 3 as), večeras proglašen najkorisnijem igračem turnira.

Teodosić i Rakočević. Photo by MN Press.
Teodosić i Rakočević. Foto: MN Press.

Večerašnje izdanje reprezentacije daje više nego dovoljno razloga za optimizam i čestitke.Rusi su bili konkurentni u samo prvoj deonici, dok ih je u nastavku, selekcija Srbije neutralisala i do kraja utakmice samo povećavala razliku. Publika u Areni je imala prilike da ponovo vidi veliki broj sjajnih poteza, poput trojki Teodosića, proboja Nedovića, te inicijative Dangubića. Naš MVP je ponovo dokazao da igri reprezentacije daje posebnu dimenziju, te da je pobeda uz njegovo zalaganje na parketu gotovo zagarantovana.

Selektor Đorđević dodaje da je uvek moguće dodatno se spremiti, te da on nikada nije zadovoljan.  Takođe najavljuje i svođenje finalnog spiska za Evropski šampionat, na koje za sada ne ide samo Stefan Pot, koji je zamenio povređenog Stefana Jovića.  Ostaje još četiri igrača, koje treba “precrtati”.

Velike nade se polažu u srpsku reprezentaciju na Eurobasketu, koja se smatra jednim od najvećih konkurenata za uzimanje evropske krune.

The Serbian National Team has beat Russia in the final match of the friendly Belgrade Trophy tournament, by 95:61. The players of coach Aleksandar Đorđević have shown absolute dominance, from the beginning of the second quarter, and continued increasing the result difference, until the final whistle.

The start of the second half. Photo by J.L. - SLSRB
The start of the second half. Photo by J.L.

Tonight’s best player was Miroslav Raduljica with 15 points and 4 rebounds, while Miloš Teodosić was declared as the tournament’s MVP. He received the award from Igor Rakočević. Serbia’s playing style and fitness shows many reasons for optimism, while Teodosić’s presence marks a key difference on court.

The crowd at the Belgrade Arena had a chance to see more incredible moves, and confirm many of the high hopes for the upcoming Eurobasket.

Coach Đorđević has taken the post-match press conference to point out the effort of his players, the fact that there is always time to be even better, and that he is “never satisfied”. He has also named only one player who won’t be going to the Championship, Stefan Pot, who had replaced the injured Stefan Jović during the preparatory interval. There are four more names to cross over, before the beginning of the European Championship, a competition where Serbia is considered as one of the top contenders.

Serbia basketball NT
Photo: MN Press.

Sledi još jedan snimak, ovaj put se podsećamo najzanimljivijih detalja iz meča Srbija – Kina, tokom prvog dana Trofeja Beograda. Podsećamo, rezultat je bio 95:55, u korist domaćina.

Here are some of the most interesting bits from tonight’s match between Serbia and China, during day 1 of the friendly Belgrade Trophy Tournament. 

Los mejores momentos del partido entre Serbia y China, como parte del primer día del Trofeo de Belgrado. Parte de las preparativas para la selección serbia, antes de la Eurobasket.

In front of around 10.000 spectators, including many foreign fans, the team of coach Aleksandar Đorđević was able to easily defeat China, as part of the Belgrade Trophy friendly tournament.

The Chinese fans. Photo by J.L.
The Chinese fans. Photo by J.L.

The Serbian players have entered the match fully equipped to take on any opponent, which they have proved, with their strong play and some truly beautiful moves. Without a doubt, captain Miloš Teodosić is back. The player that is beyond able to make any team mate shine, has proven why he is considered one of the best in the world. Euroleague’s MVP, Nemanja Bjelica also had a very good game, undoubtedly worthy of his title.

A pleasant surprise was the young Nemanja Dangubić. The tall guard used this game to show off his progress in the past season, improving his chances to represent Serbia at the upcoming Eurobasket. His dunk was one of the best moves of the night.

As the match progressed, the opponent was becoming increasingly physical, injuring Miroslav Raduljica, and Nemanja Dangubić. Both in the facial region. Luckily, both of the contact injuries are minor.

Coach Đorđević has taken the chance to positively comment on his players, and show understanding and respect towards the rival. At one point, it seemed to me that they weren’t left with anything else, except enter into physical contact. It is a matter of competitors pride. (…) 

Miloš Teodosić played an excellent match. Photo by J.L.
Miloš Teodosić played an excellent match. Photo by J.L.

My philosophy is for the players to always play as strong as they can, because that represents a due respect to the national jersey. It shows that we’re on the right path, the boys are focused. I take no objections. 

He has also invited everyone to the Belgrade Arena, in order to support the National Team, tomorrow night. We will pay it back, by our sacrifice on court. The match between Serbia and Russia starts at 20:30 CET.

A strong victory over China. Photo by J.L.
A strong victory over China. Photo by J.L.

Družina na sve spremna. Nakon fenomenalne pobede nad Hrvatskom, zlatni reprezentativci Srbije su se okupili da ukratko iskažu svoje utiske o novoj svetskoj tituli.

A short interview after winning the title.  Una pequeña entrevista después de haberse ganado el oro del Mundial.

The conclusion of Serbian basketball NT coach, Aleksandar Đorđević.

After a defeat in their second preparatory game, against France as host (78:65), Đorđević stated that the match was lost due to the team’s errors and that all of the members need to make strong efforts in order to reach the winning shape, before the beginning of the Eurobasket.

An amazing game performed by the Serbian National team, after a strong victory against Italy, in the semifinals of the Waterpolo World Championship in Kazan.

The Serbian Dolphins have performed almost perfectly against a well known opponent, giving Italy very little room to breathe. Serbia has started strong from the very beginning, and has enforced its own pace to the other side, while scoring a steady amount of goals, from all of the angles imaginable. Even the Italian fouls were not enough to disrupt the game style of the Dolphins. A routine, but powerful finish in the second half was all that it took to make the difference in this semifinal, official.

A kind of dance in the cold pool that from afar looked so routine to the players of coach Dejan Savić, giving the crowd a chance to see truly beautiful moves and scores by Andrija Prlainović, who scored barely 2 minutes in, Živko Gocić, Duško Pijetlović, and many, many more.  It seemed that all of the game aspects have come together tonight in Kazan, allowing the Dolphins to truly show off their magic.

The next opponent is Croatia, after a penalty shoot of 13-10, against a pleasantly surprising Greece. The final will be played on Saturday, at 21:00 CET, in what is undoubtably going to be a spectacle worthy of a World Championship closing game.

The Serbian Water polo National Team is getting ready for their quarterfinal match, against the United States. The Dolphins have won all of their prior games, and have reached this next phase of the competition as first in their group. The awaited QF match will be played tomorrow, (Tuesday) at 20:30 CET, as the last match of the evening.

One of the biggest favorites for winning this year’s World championship in Kazan has played “a very good preparation match” against Croatia, before the big day.

The team members state that they won’t be falling under pressure after the statements made by the US coach, Dejan Udovičić, as well as the fact that victories aren’t guaranteed.  “We are the favorites, but that means nothing now. There can be no underestimating of the opponent. (…) Nobody will say much to them if they lose against Serbia, while our goal is the medal.”