Hladno proleće na Marakani
Sinoćna utakmica Zvezde protiv CSKA završena je rezultatom 0:0. Sve se složilo u naizgled skladnu fudbalsku slagalicu: slabija odbrana Armejaca, dobra forma Beograđana i solidna podrška sa tribina. Međutim, prava premijera toliko željenog proleća za crveno-bele, moraće još da sačeka. Još nekoliko dana nije ništa u poređenju sa 25 godina.

Zvezda played a draw (0:0) against Moscow’s CSKA. Despite the lack of goals, it’s still a pleasant surprise for the team from Belgrade and a disappointment for the Russians who came to Serbia expecting a win. Both teams will have to get into full focus for the upcoming match in Moscow (Feb 21st), in order to get that winning goal. On the stands, around 30k fans, and a few minor incidents. An all in all peaceful start of Zvezda’s first knockout stage in 25 years.…
Derbi: Večiti podelili bodove
Posle evropskih uspeha naših klubova, nastavlja se Superliga. Na stadionu Rajko Mitić večeras je 155. Večiti derbi završen rezultatom 0:0.
The old United reunites
At least for a few hours, we had the chance to see an epic set of players reunite for the Reds, as Old Trafford was saying: Thank you to club legend Michael Carrick.

Totti retires from Roma
The Prince of Rome has said his sporting goodbyes today, at the absolutely packed Olympic Stadium. Marking an end to his quoter of a century long era in Roma, Totti represents one of the very few faithfuls. Once a hopeful and talented boy is now leaving as a successful man.

Bitka za Arsena
Subota popodne i susret Arsenal- Vest Bromvič mogao je da protekne sasvim obično. Međutim, konstantni konflikt između pristalica i protivnika trenera Arsena Vengera, preseljen je na viši nivo. Doslovno.

Image of the day
After beating Porto (0:2) Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon greeted his friend and fellow keeper Iker Casillas. A beautiful image of the two remaining greats that have always shared the true values of football.

Nakon pobede Juventusa na gostovanju Portu (0:2), Bufon i Kasiljas su se srdačno pozdravili i razmenili dresove. Gest koji je odavno prerastao u tradiciju od strane igrača koji vraćaju veru u fudbal, oduševio je navijače.
Slike dana
In the lack of time for actual writing, I decided a picture was worth more than a thousand words. Here’s a set of those that marked this Thursday.
Kada slika govori više od hiljadu reči. Kratak osvrt na poraz CSKA, polovični učinak Partizana u dve utakmice na Kipru, novi ,,imidž” Miroslava Raduljice. Deo dešavanja koja su obeležila ovaj četvrtak…
Poslednji dan Stare godine, poznat je kao dan za rezimiranje, rekapitulaciju iz prethodnih 365. Sport nam je tokom 2016. godine dao mnogo razloga za veselje. Olimpijci, mladi fudbaleri, košarkaši, vaterpolisti…
The last day of the current year is always destinated to recaps of the part 365. Sport has given us so many reasons to be happy. Football, basketball, the Olympics. For Serbia, that obviously had to be water polo, which definitely marked the year 2016.…
FOTO: Kumovi u zasluženoj penziji
Omiljeni kumovi srpskog vaterpola Živko Gocić i Slobodan Nikić, oprostili su se večeras od reprezentativnog sporta. Srpski kapiten i najtrofejniji vaterpolista u istoriji, na Tašmajdanu odigrali su poslednju utakmicu pod zastavom Srbije. Prijateljski meč između naše selekcije i Tima sveta, pratilo je puno plivalište.